[name_u]Asa[/name_u] [name_u]Anderson[/name_u] (what’s a nickname for [name_u]Asa[/name_u]?)
[name_m]Jedd[/name_m] [name_u]Anderson[/name_u] (does [name_m]Jedd[/name_m] sound too much like [name_f]Jemma[/name_f]? [name_u]Love[/name_u] the edge but don’t want to seem like we weren’t creative or only like J names)
[name_u]Finn[/name_u] [name_u]Anderson[/name_u] (what’s a nickname for [name_u]Finn[/name_u]?)
*[name_u]Anderson[/name_u] is my maiden name so we want to keep!
[name_f]Thea[/name_f] [name_f]Michelle[/name_f]
[name_f]Leila[/name_f] [name_f]Michelle[/name_f]
[name_f]Mila[/name_f] [name_f]Michelle[/name_f]
*[name_f]Michelle[/name_f] is my momma’s name
asa anderson - ace could be a nn for asa! i like it with jemma!
jedd anderson - i think jemma & jedd are a little too similar
finn anderson - you could use finlay/finley nn finn, i think jemma & finley are lovely together
thea michelle - love thea! jemma & thea sound lovely together
leila michelle - again, leila is lovely and sounds great with jemma
mila michelle - i love mila, would it be mee-luh or my-luh?
hope this helped!
I love [name_u]Asa[/name_u] [name_u]Anderson[/name_u], [name_u]Finn[/name_u] [name_u]Anderson[/name_u], and [name_f]Thea[/name_f] [name_f]Michelle[/name_f]!
Nicknames for [name_u]Asa[/name_u] and [name_u]Finn[/name_u] could be [name_m]Ace[/name_m] (seconded!) or [name_m]Finney[/name_m], perhaps?
Hi there.
Here are my thoughts on the lists:
Asa-I love [name_u]Asa[/name_u]! Its’s vintage & interesting & unique but still fairly simple. And the nn [name_m]Ace[/name_m] is cute. I love how [name_u]Asa[/name_u] is soft & quiet, but feels rugged & handsome at the same time.
Jedd-I think that [name_m]Jedd[/name_m] is a little bit close to [name_f]Jemma[/name_f]. If it’s your absolute top favorite & you’d regret not using it, go for it. It’s not that close, but just a little much for my tastes. It’s not my favorite anyway. Feels a bit old farmer guy, but not in a cute way like some other old names.
Finn-I love [name_u]Finn[/name_u] too! [name_u]Finn[/name_u] nn [name_m]Finney[/name_m] is adorable, even though it’s a longer than the full name nick name. It’s so sporty & clever & simple & charming. Very nice w/Jemma.
Thea-Definitely my favorite. Smart & sweet & a little bit cheeky. Old fashioned, simple & not common. Perfect w/Jemma.
Leila-It’s okay. I do like it w/Jemma, but it’s just a bit trendy. And the spelling & pronunciation might be a headache, because a lot of the time it’s [name_f]Layla[/name_f]. [name_u]Or[/name_u] it might be said like ‘[name_u]Lee[/name_u]-luh’.
Mila-This is pretty, but so over done these days that it’s lost its spark. I like it better as a nn too for [name_f]Camilla[/name_f], [name_f]Camellia[/name_f] or maybe even [name_f]Matilda[/name_f].
Hope this helps. 
What do I do?! We have some dear friends that named their sweet babe [name_u]Finn[/name_u] today. That was our top boy name. I “like” our other options but I was finally hearing [name_u]Finn[/name_u] [name_u]Anderson[/name_u] as yes this is it. I have struggled with boy names so I’m not sure what to do? I have girl names picked out but boys I don’t have one from our list that is a easy second?
Maybe you could another [name_u]Finn[/name_u] name or use [name_u]Finn[/name_u] as a middle name. Other [name_u]Finn[/name_u] names are [name_u]Finley[/name_u], [name_u]Finnegan[/name_u], [name_m]Finnian[/name_m], and [name_m]Fintan[/name_m]. There’s also [name_u]Flynn[/name_u] and [name_m]Flint[/name_m]. [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] with the nickname [name_u]Finn[/name_u] is another idea.
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