[name_f]Katie[/name_f] ‘Kit’ Reisler is fifteen and a bit of a science nerd. She’s the fourth-eldest in a family of twelve, which includes the parents. So, three older siblings, six younger. As such, she’s got to work a bit to stand out. Because yes, even if you’re the oldest child in the house you’ve got to try to be noticed. Speaking from experience here.
Anyway, here’s physical descriptions (as in hair and eyes) for each of the other siblings, as of now labelled A to I:
A – Male, brown hair, green eyes (aged 18, identical twin to B)
B – Male, brown hair, green eyes (aged 18, identical twin to A)
C – Female, black hair, brown eyes (aged 16)
[name_f]Katie[/name_f], brown hair, green eyes.
D – Male, brown hair, brown eyes (aged 13)
E – Female, black hair, green eyes (aged 11)
F – Male, black hair, brown eyes (aged 10)
G – Female, brown hair, blue eyes (aged 7, fraternal twin to H)
H – Male, brown hair, brown eyes (aged 7, fraternal twin to G)
I – Female, brown hair,
In case you’re curious as to why there’s three different eye colours up there, and so much green, I checked the chances of getting each of those three eye colours with a brown-eyed parent and a green-eyed parent. It’s probably not the most accurate but what I found was:
50% for brown
37.5% for green
12.5% for blue
Since percentages are out of one hundred, each of the ten Reisler children is representing ten percent, so you’d get five brown-eyed children, 3.75 green-eyed children and 1.25 blue-eyed children. Yeah, heterochromia exists, but I’m not having a child in the family who’s three-quarters green-eyed and one-quarter blue-eyed. So five, four, one.
I get that’s not how it works, each of the children had those chances of getting these eye colours individually of everyone else (barring A and B, being identical), but it’s a story, so let me just have this the way I have it.
As for hair genes and such, I’m just not going into it.
Anyway, now that that’s over, any ideas for names for any of the siblings would be great. You don’t need to do suggestions for all nine, just put the letter I assigned to the sibling with the idea so I know which one it is for.