Sibling names for Oscar...

These are some names I’ve been considering recently (not the whole list, just some new ideas!) We need opinions on them as a sibling to [name]Oscar[/name] [name]Leopold[/name], and surname Fu. There’s no baby in the immediate future, but we hope to change that soon.

[name]Viola[/name] - I really like the sound of VYE-uh-luh, but will most people just say vee-OH-lah? Because I just don’t like the sound of that.

[name]Peter[/name]- My stepfather’s name was not [name]Peter[/name] or anything close, but he did randomly go by [name]Pete[/name]. We are not close and my mother is in the process of divorcing him. Is this reason to scrap the name?

Thanks! There’s a link in my signature to the whole list, for those who might be curious. :slight_smile:

I love, love, love [name]Josephine[/name] and I think it sounds nice with Fu, and a brother [name]Oscar[/name]. The -phine Fu part isn’t ideal but it doesn’t bother me (just as long as you didn’t nickname her [name]Fifi[/name] Fu :p).

[name]Alma[/name] is nice but I’m not feeling it with Fu.

[name]Matilda[/name] and [name]Francesca[/name] are both nice, but I don’t really like either of them with Fu. [name]Matilda[/name] Fu has a weird rhythm to me (bear in mind I have a New Zealand accent) and I don’t like the alliteration in [name]Francesca[/name] Fu.

[name]Violet[/name] and [name]Viola[/name] are okay, but I don’t think they stand up to [name]Oscar[/name] in the same way that [name]Josephine[/name] does.

I like [name]Lydia[/name] a lot and it sounds nice with [name]Oscar[/name].

[name]Calista[/name] is a name I’m not a huge fan of, but for no apparent reason.

I love [name]Desmond[/name] so much. [name]Oscar[/name] and [name]Desmond[/name] make a great pairing I think.

[name]Peter[/name] to me is a nice name, but that association might ruin it. I’d ask my mother if that bothered her before putting it on a list.

[name]Linus[/name] is okay, but nothing next to [name]Oscar[/name].

[name]Theodore[/name] is a great, strong name that I really like. [name]Theodore[/name] Fu sounds okay. I like longer names with fu, I think.

[name]Ezra[/name] Fu sounds a bit like a sneeze to me, sorry.

In conclusion, my top names for you are [name]Josephine[/name] and [name]Lydia[/name] for a girl and [name]Desmond[/name] and [name]Theodore[/name] for a boy.

Good luck!

Thanks, Elowen . Food for thought. :slight_smile:

[name]Josephine[/name]: I really like [name]Josephine[/name] both on its own and as a sister to [name]Oscar[/name]. I think it’s fine with last name Fu.

[name]Alma[/name]: I really like this, too! I feel like it needs more love. Are you pronouncing it ‘ahl-ma’ or ‘al-ma’? Because I pronounce it the first way, which may be too close to [name]Oscar[/name]. Or that could be just me. [name]Alma[/name] Fu is okay, but not ideal.

[name]Matilda[/name]: I’ve never been a huge fan of [name]Matilda[/name]. It’s a nice enough name, but it’s just not a favorite of mine. It’s wonderful with [name]Oscar[/name] and Fu, though.

[name]Francesca[/name]: I love [name]Francesca[/name], and I kind of really like the alliteration with your last name (but I like alliteration in general). [name]Oscar[/name] and [name]Francesca[/name] would be adorable!

[name]Violet[/name]: It’s too trendy for me, but it’s a lovely name. [name]Violet[/name] Fu is great, and so is [name]Oscar[/name] and [name]Violet[/name].

[name]Viola[/name]: I think the instrument will be most people’s main association, so I’d guess that you’d get a lot of vee-OH-la. It’s nice, but not my favorite from your list.

[name]Lydia[/name]: This actually used to be one of my favorites. I love it with [name]Oscar[/name] and Fu. My favorite from your list!

[name]Calista[/name]: This feels like the most mismatched with [name]Oscar[/name] to me. It seems flighty and insubstantial (though that’s probably just me) and I’m not really a fan of the nicknames [name]Callie[/name] or Lissy. [name]Calista[/name] Fu sounds like one long word-- calistafu. Like a combination of kung-fu and calligraphy… I don’t know. :slight_smile:

[name]Desmond[/name]: I’ve never liked this much, but it’s an okay name.

[name]Peter[/name]: I like [name]Peter[/name] a lot, but if you and your family’s first association is the stepfather, then I wouldn’t use it. Plus it’s pretty similar in sound to [name]Oscar[/name].

[name]Linus[/name]: I’m not sure how useable it would be in the real world, but it sounds nice with [name]Oscar[/name]. [name]Linus[/name] Fu is a bit hard to say.

[name]Theodore[/name]: I like this a lot! [name]Oscar[/name] and [name]Theodore[/name] are great together.

[name]Ezra[/name]: I’m just not a fan of it, but it’s a perfectly fine name. [name]Oscar[/name] and [name]Ezra[/name] are great as well.

My favorites are [name]Josephine[/name], [name]Alma[/name], [name]Francesca[/name], [name]Lydia[/name], and [name]Theodore[/name]. From your longer list, I love [name]Rosemary[/name], [name]Iris[/name], [name]Cordelia[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], [name]Frederick[/name], [name]Silas[/name], [name]Julian[/name], and [name]Simon[/name]. :slight_smile:

Oo thanks, and for being so detailed too! I appreciate you sharing your favorites from the ‘long list’ as well. :slight_smile: