[name]Hi[/name] lovely ladies, I could think of no better place than to ask all of you imaginative nameberry members for some help!
I have a 3 year old called [name]Onyx[/name] Titan and am expecting our second in 5 weeks. We do not know the sex of the baby but have decided that if it is a girl her middle name will be [name]Dawn[/name] after my late grandma who passed just after I fell pregnant.
Our surname is Faul so can be a bit tricky to team up with some names and I am going out of my mind trying to decide on a name for either a boy or girl! I have got some names on a list but would love to hear if anybody has any suggestions…
I do love strong masculine names for boys and feminin names for girls.
First up can I suggest that instead of [name]Dawn[/name] you can substitute the feminine and alluring [name]Aurora[/name]? It will still honour your grandma.