Simon? Nicknames?

I’m coming around to the name [name]Simon[/name]. I’d love your thoughts. My older children are [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]Annabel[/name]. I know it’s not a vowel name and doesn’t have 3 syllables, but that was more coincidence than anything. Also, what are some interesting nicknames for [name]Simon[/name]? I’m a bit eh on [name]Si[/name]. Thank you SO much!

I love [name]Simon[/name]! (One of my favorites.) [name]Simon[/name] would go wonderfully with [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]Annabel[/name]. [name]How[/name] about Sims for a nn?

I think [name]Simon[/name] is great! I can’t really think of any nickname I could get out of [name]Simon[/name] that I’d like more than [name]Simon[/name] itself.

Maybe [name]Manny[/name]? its a bit of a stretch though

I don’t think [name]Simon[/name] needs a nickmame. It’s great on it’s own.

I think [name]Simon[/name] is a great fit for you! I don’t think a nn is needed.

The only nn I can get out of [name]Simon[/name] that I would use is [name]Si[/name] and otherwise, I think [name]Simon[/name] is one of those names that doesn’t need a nn.

Besides [name]Si[/name] and Sims, I could see [name]Sim[/name] or [name]Moe[/name].

[name]Si[/name] pronounced Sigh is the only one I know and would use.

I love [name]Simon[/name] and it fits with your very British names. Since I can’t have any more kids, I have a kitten named [name]Simon[/name], nn Simey (sigh-mee), an Australian nn for [name]Simon[/name] that I got from the terrific author [name]Margaret[/name] Mahy. [name]Sim[/name] is more a nn for [name]Simeon[/name], which is 3-syllable but just doesn’t have the cachet of [name]Simon[/name]. Simey is a great nn though.

Thanks, everyone! I appreciate your ideas. [name]Do[/name] you think Simey is too close to slimey? Not that Slimey isn’t a magnificent muppet worm, but it does have other meanings, unfortunately. :slight_smile:

Well, we do sometimes call the kitten Slimey Simey…but in a friendly way! (We just like rhymes.) I honestly don’t know – I think if your son goes to preschool as Simey/[name]Simon[/name] I don’t think there’ll be too many Slimey Simeys, but the truth is, kids rhyme and we all get called names – I was Slezlie [name]Leslie[/name], for example.