Can Siren work as a name? nn [name]Rena[/name] maybe? [name]Just[/name] saw it on a list another berry posted of antique names. I love the myth and think it’s so cool!
What are your thoughts?
Can Siren work as a name? nn [name]Rena[/name] maybe? [name]Just[/name] saw it on a list another berry posted of antique names. I love the myth and think it’s so cool!
What are your thoughts?
I don’t think Siren could ever work as a name. I know it was on my list…but no.
The 3 Sirens were seductressess who sang beautifully in order to lure sailors to their lair where they would shipwreck and die. I can’t imagion that image attached to a woman.
if you want something connected to the mythology of the sirens then I would suggest"
Melpomene (mell-PAH-men-ee) – the muse of singing
Lefkai (lef-kay in greek – lef-ki in english) – this is the modern name of where the Sirens lived.
Souda (soo-dah in greek) – The old name for the home of the sirens
You might even try the actual names of the Sirens (though I think they’re a little too out there)
First the Greek Pronunciation:
Peisinoe – pronounced pee-see-NOH-ee
Aglaope – pronounced ag-l-OW-pee – the OW is like when you hurt yourself and say “OW”
Thelxiepeia – pronounced thelk-YEH-pee-uh
The English:
Peisinoe – pie-SEE-noh
Aglaope – ag-LAY-oo-pee
Thelxiepeia – thel-CHEE-pee-uh
Maybe even Lorelei – this is a place on the Rhine where fishermen were drawn to their doom by enchanting songs and music…it sounds nicer than Siren and it’s less obviously about beautiful women killing men.
I second the pp’s suggestion of [name]Lorelei[/name]… Siren has a negative connotation that I think is too strong to use as a name.
I would use [name]Sirena[/name] before I used Siren. If you like the sound of it you might like [name]Sirine[/name]/Syrine which is a french/persian name popular with muslims. I have heard this means “lovely, lovely” but might actually mean Siren in another language but im not sure.