The story I’m currently writing takes place in another world but for character names, I’m taking inspiration from different cultures in our world for the various climates and regions in the fantasy one. [name_u]An[/name_u] MC in the story comes from a society that lives deep in the desert, so my idea was to name her family using names from indigenous tribes of the American southwest.
The problem is, I’m having a difficult time finding resources that feel well-researched and accurate. Many name websites just have Native American as a language or origin, which feels too vague considering there are over 165 indigenous languages still spoken today (and even more that are tragically extinct).
[name_m]Can[/name_m] anyone recommend good resources or websites for indigenous American names? Thanks in advance!
i ran into the same problem when trying to find websites! i ended up finding a few with lists of names, and one that provided an interesting look on indigenous naming traditions.
naming traditions article:
this website is kind of outdated looking, but it makes it easy to find names based on tribes, and gives a lot of insight:
Thank you so much! This is incredibly helpful! Behind the Name is usually my go-to for finding names of certain origins but they only had a couple of the languages I’d discovered from that region, and only about ten names total between them. I loved the insight from the warpaths2peacepipes blog, especially reading about the differences in cultures.