The names are from this list:–below-the-Top-1000
Feel free to add parents, ages, surnames etc.
DS1: Anton, Barnaby, Clarence, Emrys, Florian, Jethro, Leander, Orson, Wolfgang, Zeno
DS2: Alban, Bram, Chester, Fraser, Leif, Monty, Niall, Oberon, Phineas, Rockwell
DS3: Abner, Balthazar, Claude, Eamon, Floyd, Garrison, Linus, Monroe, Percival, Rupert
DS4: Ansel, Bartholomew, Clement, Edmund, Horatio, Inigo, Murray, Rafferty, Tybalt, Vaughn
DS5: Aloysius, Basil, Cormac, Evander, Gray, Humphrey, Noam, Ozias, Peregrine, Sylvester
DS6: Adler, Boaz, Cosmo, Dashiell, Finnian, Ignatius, Jonty, Lysander, Valentine, Wilbur