The names are from this list:
Feel free to add parents, surnames, ages etc.
DS1: Alwin, Barnaby, Crispin, Eero, Fielder, Hamish, Langdon, Redmond, Sid, Xerxes
DS2: Aleph, Balthazar, Calvert, Florian, Garth, Hutton, Iggy, Primo, Thurston, Winslow
DS3: Albie, Conroy, Drexel, Fintan, Hawthorn, Isidore, Osmond, Sayer, Thelonious, Witt
DS4: Anselm, Beacon, Castor, Fergus, Garvey, Haskell, Ogden, Quince, Rooney, Wilfred
DS5: Arno, Birch, Cosimo, Ennis, Gardner, Humphrey, Lorcan, Maxfield, Psalm, Rafferty
DS6: Ashford, Colm, Darrow, Eames, Fennec, Griffith, Lysander, Miro, Peregrine, Sinclair