The names are from this list:
Feel free to add parents, ages, surnames etc.
DS: Alistair, Birch, Fielder, Hawk, Inigo, Jules, Oberon, Thornton, Zebedee, West
DS: Adair, Barnaby, Conran, Galen, Hart, Leopold, Ozias, Quincy, Tobin, Winslow
DD: Acacia, Branwen, Calypso, Elif, Hero, Imogen, Kahlo, Lavender, Pomeline, Tamsin
DD: Apolline, Birdie, Cressida, Flavia, Lilou, Octavia, Plum, Reverie, Seren, Thais
DS: Absalom, Bram, Casimir, Eames, Griffith, Jupiter, Linus, Nealon, Oisin, Viggo
DD: Anouk, Blythe, Cosima, Henrietta, Ginevra, Indigo, Jacinta, Lumi, Olympia, Zephyrine