The names are from this list:
Feel free to add parents, ages, surnames etc.
DD1: Artemis, Brigid, Calypso, Daphne, Hestia, Ianthe, Lorelei, Maia, Pallas, Vesta
DD2: Ariadne, Brunhild, Camilla, Diana, Flora, Gaia, Halcyon, Leda, Nephele, Penelope
DD3: Andromeda, Calliope, Delia, Freya, Irene, Leto, Niobe, Pax, Selene, Thalassa
DD4: Aurora, Cassiopeia, Echo, Isolde, Lucina, Nixie, Phaedra, Rhea, Uma, Xanthe
DD5: Athena, Cassandra, Demeter, Enid, Hero, Indira, Luna, Minerva, Neith, Phoebe
DD6: Althea, Cynthia, Eos, Hermione, Iris, Juno, Maeve, Persephone, Signy, Ziva