Not necessarily, there are a few places where that theme could come up. For example, “Is [name_u]Bodhi[/name_u] cultural appropriation?” could also go in one of the gendered categories.
I was just giving an example of the sort of hypothetical, less specific question that might go in [name_m]General[/name_m] Discussion rather than Advice.
What’s going to happen to the posts in everything but names will they be archived or deleted completely? (More specifically will users who participated in the category still see their own posts after it’s deleted or is it gone forever?)
Sorry reading through above comments, maybe I’m missing this somewhere, but are the posts in the Sibling current category getting recategorized or lost?
This may have already been asked already, but will the Cultural Apporation threads be deleted because I know things can get heated in those threads, much of the time, but I, personally, feel that it’s a good thread & it’s mostly about names. (But I’ve also never ran a site… so)
Also, I’ll be dismayed to see everything but names go because there’s a bunch of communities there, that some of us don’t have irl, but I understand the decission, thank you for the update.
The current plan is to archive the majority of them so they are no longer visible or accessible, as with Everything But Names. However, recent or ongoing posts may be moved to Name Advice so as to keep those going for the OPs who posted them, so that they can continue to benefit from the great advice already given.
Not at all! That is an important question that specifically relates to names and can (and should) still be discussed as long as the rules around proper conduct are respected by all parties.
[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! I’m pretty upset about the removal of Everything But Names, but I recognize that it made sense. I’m wondering about whether certain threads of the Writer’s Corner will be removed, such as Tell Us About Your [name_u]Story[/name_u], and The Title and Blurb Game, both of which have little relation to names, and also happen to be some of my favorite threads. I’m really hoping for a no, especially since this is one of the few places I can talk about my writing. I’d especially hope for the continuation of Tell Us About Your [name_u]Story[/name_u], since people ask for advice about any number of things on that thread, including character names.
Yes, Writers’ Corner is staying and there are no plans to go through and weed out specific threads. As you say, character names are generally closely linked and intertwined with topics in that category.
Is there going to be a section relating just to nicknames, or is it going to be how it always was with being intertwined with girls/boys and now unisex? TIA!
I’m supportive of these changes on a whole and appreciate the thought that’s been put into by the mod team.
By existing posts, do you mean all 36,000+ posts in the #baby-names category or something more specific?
Is there reasoning behind the decision to re-categorise posts in the #baby-names category but not #sibling-names? Since both of these categories are named focused I would’ve thought they would be treated the same way. There’s a wealth of great name ideas and advice in the #sibling-names category as there is in other categories. It would be a loss to lose visibility of those posts. I often use the search function and there’s a lot of gold in posts from years and years ago. I think of these posts in the same way.
If it’s about man power, I will put my hand up to help re-categorise posts