Spelling of..... Clare, Claire, Clair.... please vote!

See the results of this poll: Which spelling variation do you prefer the most?

Respondents: 36 (This poll is closed)

  • Clare: 5 (14%)
  • Claire: 31 (86%)
  • Clair: 0 (0%)

I really like [name]Claire[/name]. I think it’s a lovely name.

And for your other question, no I didn’t even think about the store [name]Claire[/name]'s when I saw your post. It’s not really something I thought about.

I prefer [name]Clare[/name], but [name]Claire[/name] is also nice. [name]Clair[/name] looks a little unfinished to me.

I prefer the French spelling [name]Claire[/name]; [name]Clare[/name] is ok but [name]Clair[/name] does not look correct to me–like it may be a typo.

I know a family with the last name [name]Clare[/name], as well as my daughter’s favorite author’s surname. [name]Cassandra[/name] [name]Clare[/name], but it is a pseudonym. As for [name]Clair[/name], it does look a bit unfinished. I also have a niece named [name]Klaire[/name], named in my sister’s “yoo-neek name phase.” [name]Klaire[/name] seems too Kardashian for me, so I would not recommend it. [name]Claire[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] is probably the best choice, though it honestly is hard to pair a middle name with [name]Claire[/name]. The one-syllables are always the hardest.

I voted for [name]Claire[/name]. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I like all 3 spellings. [name]Clare[/name] is my favorite. [name]Clair[/name] reminds me of the Cosby Show.

I love the name [name]Claire[/name]! Our third child is due in [name]April[/name], and we are going to name her [name]Claire[/name] [name]Madeline[/name]. I like the spelling “[name]Claire[/name]” the most. I am not worried about the name being associated with the cheap accessory store. I think that the name is very classic. Great choice. [name]Claire[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] is a beautiful name.


I don’t think of the jewelry store.

Good luck!