Spelling of McKenna?

I absolutely adore the name [name]McKenna[/name] but was wondering about opinions on spelling. I prefer [name]McKenna[/name], but I know it can also be spelled [name]Mckenna[/name] (without the capital k) and [name]Makenna[/name]. Opinions?

I like it spelled [name]Makenna[/name]. To me [name]McKenna[/name] or [name]Mckenna[/name] doesn’t make sense.

I prefer [name]Makenna[/name].

I strongly prefer [name]Makenna[/name]. [name]McKenna[/name]/[name]Mckenna[/name] just look a bit off and less attractive to me.

[name]Makenna[/name] looks better.

[name]McKenna[/name] is a surname. Spelling it as a given name [name]Mckenna[/name] makes as much sense as the FN [name]Mackenzie[/name] does, going from the surname [name]MacKenzie[/name] to [name]Mackenzie[/name]. That’s become pretty mainstream. Makenzie would look weird, though, and so does Makenna.

[name]Makenna[/name] looks contrived and invented. If you don’t like the Mc/[name]Mac[/name] names why not find one of the bajillion nice M names that aren’t surnames in the first place? I don’t get the appeal.

My husband’s grandmother’s maiden name was McKenna. If I wanted to use it I would use McKenna or Mckenna. If I just wanted an M name that looked less surname-y I would probably go with a name with more history, like Morwenna or Morgana.

Well, I prefer [name]McKenna[/name], or McKennah, probably because my friends name is McKenzy.


Here in [name]Ireland[/name], [name]McKenna[/name] is a common surname. I’ve never seen or heard of it being used as a first name.

For some reason I really dislike surnames as first names with McK in them. I’ve always preferred [name]Makena[/name] because that is a real African name. After that I like [name]Makenna[/name]. I know many disagree because it’s “invented”, but I think having a capitilization issue can be really frustrating for a kid. In many computer systems it won’t come out that way, so it will look like [name]Mckenna[/name] or [name]MCKENNA[/name], each of which looks strange. [name]Makenna[/name] isn’t my style but I would strongly advise against the [name]McKenzie[/name] and [name]McKenna[/name] spellings for that reason.

I know a girl named [name]Makenna[/name] [name]Brooke[/name]. I have always though the name was gorgeous, but I can’t stand the other spellings!

For some reason the spellings [name]McKenna[/name], [name]MacKenna[/name], and [name]Mackenna[/name] are just weird to me!

[name]McKenna[/name] is the proper spelling. [name]Makenna[/name] is the variant. I don’t like it as a first name at all due to the McCraze of names ([name]Makayla[/name], MaKaylin, [name]Micaiah[/name], etc.) and it’s patronymic, meaning “son of ____,” which is silly for a girl. But if you’re considering it, please use the proper spelling. [name]Makenna[/name] just looks illiterate, in my opinion.

If you must use the name, please use the [name]McKenna[/name] spelling. Anything else looks like you are trying to hide the fact you have given your daughter a tryndeigh McName… or Mcname… or Maname.

I love the name. I like the [name]McKenna[/name] spelling best, but I would probably go with [name]Makenna[/name] because it’s easier in a lot of ways.

All names are made up names—at one time or another–
I think surnames for first names can be fresh and unique!
Spelled any way, its a lovely first name—

I’m not a fan of this name, but since it is a surname, I strongly encourage you to spell it [name]McKenna[/name]. [name]Mckenna[/name] would be acceptable but looks strange to me. [name]Makenna[/name] just looks made up or like someone didn’t know how to spell [name]McKenna[/name].

I like [name]Makenna[/name] the best. I think it’s the most feminine spelling of the three options, and looks the best written down. Plus it’s the phonetic spelling so there will be less confusion surrounding spelling and pronounciation.

I know the pronunciation is very close, but I actually say [name]McKenna[/name] and [name]Makenna[/name] a little differently. The Mc- and the K blend into each other, but I say Mc [name]Kenna[/name], as i would say Mc [name]Donald[/name], while [name]Makenna[/name] I say muh (unstressed vowel) kenna. If you are not pronouncing the mc- at all, I’d spell it [name]Makenna[/name].

I like it better with the capital K, [name_f]McKenna[/name_f] is the one!

I think that McKennah looks more balanced.

I prefer [name_f]Makena[/name_f].