Struggling to find a middle

I’m a trans guy and I’ve been looking for a middle to go with Ry@n. I’ve been trying out the name Schuyl3r to keep my ethnicity but I’m not sure about it. I’ve been thinking of using other honour names, but I’m more looking for a name I love, and if it happens to also honour family or ethnicity, better yet. I’m also looking for more classic names that you’d hear on an adult (mid-20s) rather than the new, trending, popular names.

The other names I’ve been considering are:

  • J0hn (honours my late uncle, grandpa, and my given middle name)
  • J@ckson (alternative for J0hn; love the name J@ck)
  • B3nnett (partial to the name B3n, but not B3njamin)
  • Jam3s
  • Br0dy
  • J ustin (cousin’s name; might be weird if I used it as a middle)

The top two I’m between (other than Schuyl3r) are J0hn and J@ckson, but I’m open to other suggestions too. Bonus for names that start with J. I’d also like to hear of any hidden gems that are rarely talked about or don’t make the top charts.

Excluding: Joseph, Joel, Jarrett, Jared

Ry@n Schuyl3r - this is really lovely! I am always attracted to combos with a repeating sound, in this case the Y.

Ry@n J0hn - I’m less keen on this one purely for the double N endings making it feel a little choppy. But seeing how it’s an honor name, if you love it, use it!

Ry@n J@ckson - I have a similar feeling as with Ry@n J0hn. However, I think Ry@n J@ck sounds fantastic!

Ry@n B3nnett - I really like this one for you. B3nnett has a sleeker, classier vibe than B3njamin, which feels more traditional and expected.

Ry@n Jam3s - Nothing wrong with this one, but there are others that have more zing to them.

Ry@n Br0dy - Br0dy has some strong cowboy vibes to it. If that’s your thing, go for it!

Ry@n Just1n - Is this a cousin you’re particularly close to? If so, it might be nice to share a name with him. If not, maybe skip this one - when considering the name of someone I know, I always give myself the litmus test of, “would I want this person to think I’m naming my (kid / pet / self) after them?”

[name_f]My[/name_f] favorites from your existing list are Ry@n Schuyl3r and Ry@n B3nnett, with Ry@n J@ck thrown in for good measure.

Suggestions (I’ll try not to stray too far into the wild and weedy names and stick closer to the classics):

Ry@n J3m
Ry@n J@coby
Ry@n Jul1an / Ry@n Jul1us
Ry@n J0hannes
Ry@n J@ce
Ry@n J3richo - I just think this sounds really bad@ss
Ry@n Ji0vanni
Ry@n J3remy
Ry@n J@meson
Ry@n J3bediah / Ry@n J3didiah - more cowbyesque names
Ry@n J0nty
Ry@n J@bari
Ry@n J3nsen
Ry@n Just1ce
Ry@n J0siah - really like this one for you
Ry@n J@vier
Ry@n J0ss
Ry@n J3fferson / Ry@n J3ffrey
Ry@n J@go
Ry@n J0rdan
Ry@n J3nnings - another surname option
Ry@n J0urney
Ry@n J@mal
Ry@n J0ve / Ry@n J0vi
Ry@n J3remiah
Ry@n J@rvis
Ry@n J3rome
Ry@n J0nah / Ry@n J0nas
Ry@n J@sper
Ry@n J3sse
Ry@n J0shua
Ry@n J@bez
Ry@n J0aquin
Ry@n Jud3 / Ry@n Jud@h / Ry@n Jud@s

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Thank you for all the J names!
Honestly, I haven’t seen my cousin in YEARS. It might be weird if I used it.

I’m kind of leaning towards J@ck / J@ckson, or sticking with Schuyl3r. I love that the meaning of Schuyl3r is “scholar” and not biblical (not that biblical names are a dealbreaker), but I’m torn between wanting to keep the J initial or changing it completely. I also think RJ would be a cool nickname.

I’m not sure, there’s a lot I like, but I don’t feel the same way towards a lot of them as I do with Ry@n.

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You could always do two middle names if you want to keep RJ but still include Schuyl3r. I think the meaning is awesome as well!

You mentioned liking Schuyl3r due to ethnicity. BehindTheName says it’s Dutch in origin - is that what you’d be going for? My brain keeps trying to tell me Schuyl3r is Ashkenazi Jewish, but I don’t know where it’s getting that idea.

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Yes, it’s [name_m]Dutch[/name_m]. (: I think with J@ck being such a short name, I may be able to get away with two middles. Ry@n J@ck Schuyl3r perhaps? Ry@n Schuyl3r J@ck… Thanks, I appreciate your comments.

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If you want the RJ nickname, Ry@n J@ck Schuyl3r is probably a better order. So your initials would be RJS[] as opposed to RSJ[].
Also [name_m]Johannes[/name_m] and [name_m]Johan[/name_m] are the [name_m]Dutch[/name_m] versions of J0hn so might be worth considering as other options.

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Ry@n B3nn3tt and Ry@n J0hn are great!!

I’ll suggest


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[name_m]Just[/name_m] out of curiosity but why the @ and 0’s

Here’s a list of “J” names that have Dutch usage if you’re interested.

I would stay away from your cousin’s name just to feel unique haha.

I like the idea of using alternatives for J0hn to honor your family but still keep your own identity.

Here’s like a million forms and nn’s for J0hn:

PS. This isn’t a spam site. I use it all the time for inspiration.

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Would [name_m]Kuiper[/name_m] or [name_m]Escher[/name_m] work for you?

Some J names not yet mentioned - well, I tried to check for repeats anyway :blush::

Jarek/Jarec - Slavic, spring

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It’s usually a privacy thing, so that this thread will not come up in the search results if someone were to Google the full name. Many folks don’t want their username and their legal name to be connected online, so when referencing their legal name, they substitute @ instead of a, 3 instead of e, 1 instead of i, 0 instead of o, etc. I’ve also seen people do this in their UC for names that have been given to a real life kiddo, so they can still share their combos without showing up when someone searches the kid’s name.

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