They do work, but [name_f]Millicent[/name_f] sounds a little out of place as it feels more ‘old lady’ than ‘slightly magical’ - also risks getting [name_f]Lillevi[/name_f] and [name_f]Millicent[/name_f] ‘Lily and Milly’.
[name_f]Millicent[/name_f] was the one I was the most iffy on but the nicknames would be [name_f]Lillevi[/name_f] “Liv/Livi” and [name_f]Millicent[/name_f] “Tilly.” [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think that makes it work any better?
This is a fresh perspective, thank you! I don’t get the same feeling from [name_f]Evangelina[/name_f] and Évangelie myself (to me they feel feminine, timeless, beautiful and strong but also like they could be in a fantasy storybook, and the matching sounds in both tie them together nicely in my mind). I do see that with [name_f]Millicent[/name_f] more easily. I can’t find anything I like better for the nickname “Tilly/Tillie” so far though!
[name_f]Celandine[/name_f] has interested me on and off and has similar sounds to [name_f]Celestia[/name_f], which has long been on my list. I’ll give it some more thought, I like the double nature connection as well (I wasn’t previously aware of the “swallow bird” connection!)
I also have [name_f]Araminta[/name_f], Allyriane, [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f], [name_f]Camellia[/name_f], [name_f]Catriona[/name_f], and [name_f]Vallea[/name_f], Alastrina/Alastriona and [name_f]Bluma[/name_f] and [name_f]Petunia[/name_f] on my longer lists. I hadn’t considered the strange/fantastical side too much but maybe some of these fit more (I know [name_f]Petunia[/name_f] has a negative association from the [name_u]Harry[/name_u] [name_m]Potter[/name_m] series.)
Are these “modern invented names” or just more rare?
I was thinking to avoid using other “invented names” (though I did think of Annavelia, Corelise, Cassaleia, Cassali, Quillvera and Valilea “VAL-ih-lee or val-ih-LAY-uh”). The term is funny to me because all names were invented at some point or other haha
[name_f]Millicent[/name_f] and [name_f]Lillevi[/name_f] are still unexpected, but in terms of the nicknames, they’re different enough - [name_f]Tilly[/name_f] and [name_f]Liv[/name_f] are cool!
yes but based on names that already exist. So not completely invented…Enid and names like [name_f]Arianwen[/name_f] exist…wen is a very common ending in Welsh so it’s just added a common Welsh suffix to an existing welsh name.
Annevieve is similar to [name_f]Annelise[/name_f] or Annarose…It’s a modern invention but it’s a combination of two existing names put together…Anne and [name_f]Genevieve[/name_f]
[name_f]Arianell[/name_f] is a Welsh name…Arianella is a variation to get the pronunciation nell rather than the welsh ll (like a german ch)
fair enough if you want to avoid using other invented names…but to me using one invented name in a sibset of fairly classic names, makes it feel jarringly out of place…which is why if it were me I would want to put other combination/more modern variation names with it. But obviously you can do whatever you want.
Haha coming from a name nerd I can totally understand this! I considered this myself. However, after thinking it over more I realized that I have yet to meet anyone offline who thinks my daughter’s name is a modern invention (and I know everyone wouldn’t agree but it doesn’t sound like it to me, personally either.) People either say it’s beautiful or just that they’ve never heard of it and it will be hard to remember (which is exactly what they say about my sons’ long-established but very far from popular names!) It seems to be that for most people who aren’t on NB all my children’s names so far share the “strangeness” factor so maybe if I stick to names as underused in the US as the others are it will be just odd enough for my bunch!
Come to think of it, I can see why [name_f]Evangelina[/name_f] & Évangelie may be less strange to most ears too as @marysia was saying (since they are forms of [name_f]Evangeline[/name_f] which is more well-known in the US)
Thank you both for taking your time to offer feedback!
i mean that’s fair…it’s just you were asking about stylistic cohesion which is why I said what I did.
You don’t necessarily have to aim for stylistic cohesion.
I would also say that [name_f]Lavender[/name_f] even though underused feels very well known as a flower name and due to [name_u]Harry[/name_u] Potter…so also doesn’t feel strange enough.
I appreciate your feedback, it helps me to mull over the different perspectives! [name_m]Even[/name_m] if I don’t come to the same conclusion eventually, it helps me to pick apart my own thoughts and feelings about the names when I get a chance to discuss them with others!
Update: I just remembered I got a recommendation on NB to use “Talila” for [name_f]Tilly[/name_f]! Also I think Twyla/Twila works too (an old one on my long list!)
I feel evangelie and [name_f]Millicent[/name_f] sound stylistically well with gwyniveth. Evangelie might be confused with [name_f]Evangeline[/name_f] .
[name_f]Millicent[/name_f] and maybe [name_f]Odelia[/name_f] are the only ones that feel out of place with Gwyniveth to me. I think [name_f]Odelia[/name_f] is ethereal enough that it works but I think the Hebrew origins throw me off. I could see the Germanic origins of Odilia/Ottilia more with Gwyniveth. I agree that [name_f]Millicent[/name_f] feels quite old lady compared to the rest. It’s not a completely imperfect match but I don’t think it fits as well as the others.
LOVE Gwyniveth and [name_f]Lillevi[/name_f] together, though, and I think Évangelie is also sweet with her. [name_f]Lavender[/name_f] is also a bit word name but has that sort of ethereal, faerie-like, Arthurian sort of vibes I get from Gwyniveth.
And oh, I’ve not looked at names outside the top 1000 for a while, maybe these?
I feel like they’re too concise for your style, but I do like the idea of Gwyniveth and [name_u]Rosamel[/name_u] together a lot. And I liked the idea of something Welsh, I think [name_f]Awen[/name_f] is super lovely. I feel like some others gave some really lovely names though, so hopefully those are more helpful haha.
I know confusion is a possibility with Évangelie but it wouldn’t be anything new for us haha! I like to give all my children more approachable nicknames because of this (and far less “strange” middles in case they want to go by them when they’re older.)
As for Odelia, all of my names are biblically inspired (though not all the symbolism and interpretations are obvious) so the meanings are what tie them all together most of all! I love the meaning of Odelia
I think I have a harder time with settling on girls’ names, whereas when I like a boy’s name I’m pretty consistent about it. My girls’ list fluctuates a lot more and I have such a hard time finding solid choices that fulfill all of my (and my husband’s) stipulations/preferences haha! Edit: I should specify that I mean first names are tougher for me and for my own set specifically, otherwise there are lots of girl names I greatly admire but just don’t work out for my bunch, including from the suggestions I get!
Rosamel has a sweet meaning and is new to me, thank you for introducing me to it!
Awen reminds me of Arwen and Anwen (2 Welsh names I admire). I hadn’t considered adding Anwen back onto my list but I think I’ll try out some combos and see how it fits in with my lists now! It was one of my husband’s favorites for a while there.
Ahh, fascinating! Usually I find these ethereal/Welsh/etc style seem to be people more interested in mythological things… Évangelie makes so much more sense in the light that you’re interested in names tied to the [name_u]Christian[/name_u] faith. Because of that, I’m completely reversing my opinion on Odelia… I actually love her for you in this light
… and now I’m curious, can you tell me more about Gwyniveth and [name_f]Lillevi[/name_f], and especially their tie to Biblical things? [name_f]My[/name_f] list is full of names honored my own faith too and I’ve always liked [name_f]Lillevi[/name_f] but had no clue it tied to the Bible. Also… how are you connecting [name_f]Lavender[/name_f] to the Bible? I may have to PM you because I just got so interested in your style
I like making obscure and atypical connections to Biblical themes, verses, etc.
Lillevi was a top contender for me towards the end of naming my girl so I’m so glad my husband is considering it for this baby if it’s a girl! The meaning of “little devoted one” is lovely to me (Acts 2:42 springs to mind immediately, among other things!) I also just think it’s beautiful.
Lavender was my husband’s choice but I was satisfied with the biblical connection for that as well. It comes from the latin root “lavare” which means to cleanse/wash. So the purifying of the heart and mind is my immediate connection to that (hence my middle name choice being Cordelia)! “Purify/clean heart” and the “daughter of the sea” is reminiscent to me of water baptism, the outer showing of the inner transformation by faith!
I usually don’t hold on to mythological names (there are many that sound beautiful/handsome to me but I don’t feel they give glory to the God I believe in) unless I see a reasonable enough connection to my beliefs, such as Iris, which is a mythological figure but also the literal way to say “rainbow” in some languages (Spanish is “arco iris”) and also the name of the part of the eye that controls the pupil/admittance of light (Biblical symbology/verses surrounding that!)