So, I have talking to my cousin who is expecting her first in [name]April[/name]. She does not know what she is having, but she does plan on finding out. We have been talking about names and I thought I would ask you all if you have additional suggestions.
Her favorite names so far are [name]Haven[/name] for a girl and [name]Aiden[/name] for a boy. She seems to like the trendier names anyway and her definitely of “old lady” names is still a generation behind many on here. ( e.g. she does not like [name]Ruth[/name], but she has started to like [name]Margaret[/name]. And she hates my favorite name, [name]Georgiana[/name]!)
Her husband, on the other hand, does not seem to like names that he is not used to and he is from the mid-west. And it is not so much that he likes a certain type of name, he just dislikes all names that he is not super used to. Although, he has not vetoed [name]Haven[/name].
Can you suggest some names that are both trendy and also seem familiar? Names like [name]Haven[/name] and [name]Aiden[/name]?
Thank you so much. Twinkle, I think she may like [name]Cadence[/name]. And [name]Lemon[/name], you have suggested so many wonderful names. I will call her tomorrow and she what she thinks. Then, I’ll let you know what she says.
Oh, and the reason I posted on the Girl’s board is that her husband is giving her a harder time about girl’s names. So, even more girl’s names would be helpful.