I have friends who have chosen the names [name]Suki[/name] [name]Adela[/name] and Euclid [name]Lee[/name] for when they have kids. I was wondering what you all thought of those names?
Honestly? I have to say I extremely dislike them! These two names are so apart stylistically for siblings, not to mention that the middle names they have paired with them don’t flow well either. Euclid [name]Lee[/name] almost sounds like it could be one word, Euclidly. So me [name]Suki[/name] is a nickname for [name]Susannah[/name] and I don’t like it alone, especially with [name]Adela[/name] which is such a lovely name but [name]Suki[/name] seems to ruin it.
I like [name]Suki[/name]. Great meaning, fun to say, a little spunky. I’m not a fan of Euclid. I’m not even sure how I would pronouce it.
I agree that Euclid [name]Lee[/name] runs together a bit, but [name]Lee[/name] as a middle name is a family tradition and I feel like it would blur with most names. Euclid is pronounced U-clid (rhymes wth bid). I’m glad someone likes [name]Suki[/name]. I think I personally would prefer [name]Sookie[/name], but [name]Suki[/name] is nice, too.
Well, [name]Adela[/name] is gorgeous, and Euclid will get beaten up on the playground. That’s pretty much all I have to say.
[name]Sookie[/name] and Yookie - Too bad they didn’t choose [name]Adela[/name] and [name]Lee[/name] as the first names.
[name]Suki[/name] - bad with lots of teasing potential (Sucky for instance…) Plus [name]Suki[/name] [name]Adela[/name] … the names seem to clash and don’t flow very well. [name]Susannah[/name] [name]Adele[/name] or [name]Suzanne[/name] [name]Adela[/name] with nn [name]Sookie[/name] are definitely less exotic looking/sounding but are soooo much nicer!!!
Euclid [name]Lee[/name] - Euclid has a clunky, ugly sound. In a way I admire their bravery in considering this name, but I just CAN’T picture any person being able to carry this name well. I would choose [name]Eustace[/name], [name]Ulysses[/name], [name]Eugene[/name], and even Euripides before I would choose Euclid. If they insist on Euclid, then I would put it in the middle, forget [name]Lee[/name] and choose a different first name. Otherwise, I would ditch Euclid and keep [name]Lee[/name] in the middle and find a usable first name. [name]Eustace[/name] [name]Lee[/name] doesn’t sound half bad. =p
I don’t mind [name]Suki[/name], though I prefer other spellings.
Euclid…I can’t really see the appeal there.
My grandmother’s best friend married an Irish Euclid, but he went by Clid which went well with his last name. I like it.
Wow, those are pretty bad. I don’t mind [name]Suki[/name]/[name]Sookie[/name] as a nickname for [name]Suzannah[/name] (or any of its variants) but as a stand alone first name, it’s just no good. I’m guessing the parents are big [name]True[/name] Blood fans? As for Euclid…I’m not even sure where to begin. It’s just not appealing and there are no good nickname for it (Euey? Clid?). I have to agree with [name]Mischa[/name]. Too bad they didn’t use [name]Adela[/name] and [name]Lee[/name] upfront instead.
I love [name]Suki[/name], especially as a nickname for [name]Sakura[/name]. [name]Suki[/name], spelled like this, is its own Japanese name meaning beloved- [name]Sukey[/name] is the diminuitive of [name]Susan[/name] and [name]Susannah[/name]. However, [name]Suki[/name] doesn’t do well for an American girl (though its Kanji and hiragana spellings are gorgeous) due to sucky teasing. [name]Adela[/name] isn’t the best MN for it, but at least it isn’t filler… Or Euclid.
Hopefully, they’ll grow out of Euclid. I have a friend who wants to name her first daughter Onyxx-[name]Rose[/name] (with the double x). Hopefully, she changes her mind like the Euclid person (probably/for the good of the world) will.
Here’s the thing though. [name]Suki[/name] is not a Japanese name. It is literally the word for “like” (and pronounced more like “ski”). I’m not sure why but for some reason, a bunch of naming websites list it as a Japanese name that means “beloved” (my guess is that one website gave the listing and others just copied it), which is just completely inaccurate.
I’m thinking they’ll likely change their minds when they actually have children. I’ve heard from a lot of people that its easy to have super obscure unusual fanciful combos when you’re thinking about children in the abstract, but when it comes to naming an actual child, a real little person, a lot of names get chopped.
Euclid in particular strikes me as extremely pretentious and screams “LOOK AT [name]HOW[/name] SMART I AM”. Not a great choice. And [name]Lee[/name] is such an uninspired middle name. Strange combo.
As for [name]Suki[/name], it’s a cute nn for [name]Susan[/name]/[name]Susanna[/name] but crap on its own. [name]Susan[/name] [name]Adela[/name] or [name]Susannah[/name] [name]Adele[/name] “Suk” would be lovely.
[name]Suki[/name] does sound pretty, regardless of whether the more authentic “devoiced U” pronunciation or the more American “Sookey” way is used.
Euclid, though? Sounds more like something hidden in a gigantic botanical tome of some sort.
[name]Suki[/name] sounds cute if pronounced “soo-kee”, though ya, there’s the “sucky” thing which may pose problems (better to avoid!)
Euclid sounds kinda nerdy, if you know the math guy Euclid, but for a boy I think it’s pretty intelligent
I don’t mind [name]Suki[/name], prefer [name]Sookie[/name] spelling and would prefer ideally as a nickname, but it’s kind of sweet. For me the association is still more [name]Gilmore[/name] Girls than [name]True[/name] Blood.
Euclid is too clunky for my taste, kind of in a category with [name]Sloane[/name]…I wish I understood the appeal but theyre just heavy and snail-like when I say them. (Sorry if thats a horrible description!). My biggest concern would be what was already pointed out “[name]Yukie[/name] and [name]Sukie[/name]!” and that’s a very short vowel jump from a meaner tease.