Summer Romance Story Name Game Part 2

Use this dice for multiple choices: Wizards of the Coast

[name_f]Summer[/name_f] Romance [name_u]Story[/name_u] Name Game Part 2

Part one: Nameberry - Welcome to the Nameberry Forums

The beginning of your first semester at [COLLEGE NAME] studying [CHOOSE A [name_m]MAJOR[/name_m]] is upon you. You’ve packed and prepared yourself for your new adventure, but your summer romance is still fresh in your mind. Your mom and dad arrange a going away celebration at your house with your friends and family and you have such mixed emotions about the whole thing; you’re excited, nervous, anxious, happy and sad all at the same time. Determined to have the time of your life, you and [BEST [name_m]FRIEND[/name_m]] party the night away surrounded by your friends.

Two days later your mum and sister set off with your suitcases and boxes, with [BEST [name_m]FRIEND[/name_m]] and her mom following your car. When you arrive on campus the first thing you notice is how busy it is! Hundreds of proud parents are helping their kids into the dorms with boxes, excited college freshmans are mulling around and student ambassadors are handing out flyers and information every hundred yards. The first thing you and [BEST [name_m]FRIEND[/name_m]] do is approach the admissions stand to register and find your assigned dorm. You are absolutely gutted to find out that not only are you not sharing a room with your best friend, but your assigned rooms are at opposite sides of the campus in totally different buildings. You scroll down the list to see who your roomie will be;

[[name_m]ROLL[/name_m] [name_m]DICE[/name_m]]
[1] [name_u]Casey[/name_u] [name_m]Harding[/name_m]
[2] [name_u]Harper[/name_u] [name_f]Louise[/name_f] [name_u]Jameson[/name_u]
[3] [name_f]Cora[/name_f] [name_f]Laverne[/name_f]
[4] [name_f]Elsie[/name_f] [name_u]Lou[/name_u] [name_m]Holmes[/name_m]
[5] [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] [name_u]Spencer[/name_u]
[6] [name_f]Martha[/name_f] [name_u]Hudson[/name_u]

You say your goodbyes to your best friend and promise to meet up later once you’re all settled to explore the campus together. You, your mum and [[name_f]SISTER[/name_f]] make your way to your dorm, up four flights of stairs. After numerous trips you’ve dumped everything in the room. Your new home is;

[[name_m]ROLL[/name_m] [name_m]DICE[/name_m]]
[1] All Collections – Dormify
[2] Dorm Room Inspo & Design – Dormify
[3] Dorm Room Inspo & Design – Dormify
[4] Dorm Room Inspo & Design – Dormify
[5] All Collections – Dormify
[6] Dorm Room Inspo & Design – Dormify

It’s obvious that your roommate has already arrived, and they’ve totally made over the room! You’re absolutely amazed; you might be sharing a room with a stranger, but damn this girl has taste! You are excited to meet [ROOMMATES NAME] and get to know her.

Later that day you wave off your mom and sister before heading to meet [BEST [name_m]FRIEND[/name_m]]. She tells you about her room, which sounds slightly less impressive than yours, and about her roommate who seems nice. You’re both exhausted from the excitement of the day, so you head back to your dorms to get some sleep. When you arrive back to your room [ROOMMATES NAME] is sat on her bed talking on the phone. When she sees you, she makes her excuses and finishes the call, before jumping off the bed and giving you a hug. You both sit down and end up chatting for hours. You learn that;

[[name_m]ROLL[/name_m] [name_m]DICE[/name_m]]
[1] She is the daughter of a hot shot lawyer and is here to study law, much to her family’s delight. Her parents own a mansion in [name_f]Beverley[/name_f] Hills.
[2] Her mum is a designer for [name_f]Vivienne[/name_f] Westwood and she has spent her life living with her in [name_m]New[/name_m] [name_m]York[/name_m] City. She’s majoring in graphic design.
[3] Her parents are both business owners from [name_m]Houston[/name_m] and she is the oldest of five children. She is studying business and economics.
[4] She grew up in [name_u]London[/name_u] before moving to San [name_m]Diego[/name_m] for her mum’s work four years ago. She is studying marine biology.
[5] She’s here to study sports science and comes from a family of sport enthusiasts. Her father is a retired American football player.
[6] Her passion is writing, hence her major in journalism. Her parents own a chain of diners in Baton Rouge.
As your freshman year continues you, [BEST [name_m]FRIEND[/name_m]] and [ROOMMATE] become an inseparable trio. You go everywhere together and have such a blast. When you and [BEST [name_m]FRIEND[/name_m]] drive home for a break, [ROOMMATE] comes along and meets all your family and friends back home. You’re enjoying your major and keeping up with your work well and have even met a guy from [ROOMMATE]’s course who you’re dating. He’s called;

[[name_m]ROLL[/name_m] [name_m]DICE[/name_m]]
[1] [name_m]Aaron[/name_m] Chapman. He’s 6” with floppy blonde hair and blue eyes.
[2] [name_u]Jay[/name_u] [name_u]Michael[/name_u] [name_u]Collins[/name_u]. He is 5”9 with cropped dark hair and hazel eyes.
[3] [name_m]Jonah[/name_m] [name_u]Alex[/name_u] Andrews. He is 6”2 with short black curls and green eyes.
[4] [name_u]Corey[/name_u] [name_u]Carson[/name_u]. He is 5”11 with shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes.
[5] [name_m]Justin[/name_m] [name_m]Ben[/name_m] [name_m]Moore[/name_m]. He is 5”8 with shaved black hair and hazel eyes.
[6] [name_u]Mason[/name_u] Beaumont. He is 5”11 with brown cropped hair and blue eyes.

You had no interest in pursuing a relationship before you met [BOYFRIEND] but he swept you off your feet. He is majoring in sports science and is very dedicated and ambitious much like you. He doesn’t mind hanging out with you and the girls, but does spend a lot of time playing football. As you go into your second year you’re feeling happier than ever with your study, friends, family and boyfriend. Life is good!

Two weeks after the first semester of your sophomore year there is a huge party planned at one of the sorority houses and you’re invited along with [BEST [name_m]FRIEND[/name_m]] and [ROOMMATE]. You spend the evening getting ready together, gossiping and listening to music. You mention you’ve not felt particularly well recently and when you try on [BEST FRIENDS] dress for the party it won’t zip up. [ROOMMATE] immediately goes out and buys a pregnancy test. You laugh it off; surely you can’t be pregnant! You’ve only been seeing [BOYFRIEND] for eight months and you are definitely not ready for a baby. The three of you sit and await the results… Positive! Your friends calm you down, you know you have options and you have their support. You still want to go to the party. You need to speak to [BOYFRIEND] and whilst it isn’t the ideal time, you need to get it off your chest and cannot wait. The three of you set off to the party.

When you arrive the party is in full swing and you ask one of [BOYFRIEND]’s friends where he is. Someone says they saw him go upstairs so you go to try and find him to talk whilst your friends grab a drink. Upstairs you look in the bathroom and two of the bedrooms but there is no sign of him. The third bedroom door is shut, but you hear voices on the other side. You open the door slightly your heart stops. On the bed [BOYFRIEND] and a girl called [name_f]Macy[/name_f] are doing a lot more than talking. You fling the door open and stand there as their eyes dart to you. The pair immediately jump out of bed, but not fast enough to catch you as you run down the stairs with tears streaming down your face. You go straight out of the door, down the street, running as fast as your legs can carry you. You decide then and there that nothing he says can change what you’ve just seen; you’re going to be doing this alone from now on.

In the weeks that follow you ignore all [EX-BOYFRIEND]’s efforts to get in contact and avoid him around campus. You’re utterly depressed about the whole situation, mainly the thought of carrying his child. Despite only putting on a tiny bit of weight a visit to the doctor confirms that you are five months through your pregnancy. You’ve told your parents and they’re incredibly shocked but willing to support you in whatever you decide to do. You’re doing so well at college and don’t want to drop out, nor do you feel that you’re ready to bring up a child. After much deliberation you decide it would be best for you and the child if you gave him/her up for adoption. The support from your friends is incredible! A month before your due date [BEST [name_m]FRIEND[/name_m]] and {ROOMMATE] drive you to the hospital when you begin to have contractions. The nurse confirms this baby is coming now!
Your mom can’t get there in time, so it’s down to your incredible friends to help you through your [[name_m]ROLL[/name_m] [name_m]DICE[/name_m] AND [name_m]ADD[/name_m] 10] hour labour. Eventually your baby girl comes kick and screaming into the world.

[[name_m]ROLL[/name_m] [name_m]DICE[/name_m]]
[1] She has red hair, blue eyes and weighs 5lb8oz
[2] She has black hair, brown eyes and weighs 6lb5oz
[3] She has light hair, blue eyes and weighs 5lb
[4] She has no hair, brown eyes and weighs 4lb12oz
[5] She has brown hair, brown eyes and weighs 6lb1oz
[6] She has no hair, green eyes and weighs 5lb12oz

You name her;

[[name_m]ROLL[/name_m] [name_m]DICE[/name_m]]
[1] First name: 140+ Biblical Girl Names | Nameberry Middle name: Unique Girl Names: Uncommon, Unusual, Cool | Nameberry
[2] First name: 150+ Feminine Girl Names | Nameberry Middle name: Classic Baby Names | Nameberry
[3] First name: Classic Baby Names with a Twist | Nameberry Middle name: Color Names for Babies | Nameberry
[4] First name: Cool Baby Names That Start with L | Nameberry Middle name: Australian Names: Aussie Favorites | Nameberry
[5] First name: Popular English Names for Girls | Nameberry Middle name: Fictional Princess Names | Nameberry
[6] First name: Saint Names for Girls | Nameberry Middle name: International Variations of Ann | Nameberry

After two days in the hospital you leave with your mum and head home for a few days. Your daughter is going to a family through private adoption and whilst it still hurts an incredible amount, you are determined to move on with your life as much as possible.

Part three coming soon!

The beginning of your first semester at [name_m]Boston[/name_m] University studying political science is upon you. You’ve packed and prepared yourself for your new adventure, but your summer romance is still fresh in your mind. Your mom and dad arrange a going away celebration at your house with your friends and family and you have such mixed emotions about the whole thing; you’re excited, nervous, anxious, happy and sad all at the same time. Determined to have the time of your life, you and [name_f]Summer[/name_f] party the night away surrounded by your friends.

Two days later your mum and sister set off with your suitcases and boxes, with [name_f]Summer[/name_f] and her mom following your car. When you arrive on campus the first thing you notice is how busy it is! Hundreds of proud parents are helping their kids into the dorms with boxes, excited college freshmans are mulling around and student ambassadors are handing out flyers and information every hundred yards. The first thing you and [name_f]Summer[/name_f] do is approach the admissions stand to register and find your assigned dorm. You are absolutely gutted to find out that not only are you not sharing a room with your best friend, but your assigned rooms are at opposite sides of the campus in totally different buildings. You scroll down the list to see who your roomie will be;

[name_f]Martha[/name_f] [name_u]Hudson[/name_u]

You say your goodbyes to your best friend and promise to meet up later once you’re all settled to explore the campus together. You, your mum and [name_f]Kate[/name_f] make your way to your dorm, up four flights of stairs. After numerous trips you’ve dumped everything in the room. Your new home is;


It’s obvious that your roommate has already arrived, and they’ve totally made over the room! You’re absolutely amazed; you might be sharing a room with a stranger, but damn this girl has taste! You are excited to meet [name_f]Martha[/name_f] and get to know her.

Later that day you wave off your mom and sister before heading to meet [name_f]Summer[/name_f]. She tells you about her room, which sounds slightly less impressive than yours, and about her roommate who seems nice. You’re both exhausted from the excitement of the day, so you head back to your dorms to get some sleep. When you arrive back to your room [name_f]Martha[/name_f] is sat on her bed talking on the phone. When she sees you, she makes her excuses and finishes the call, before jumping off the bed and giving you a hug. You both sit down and end up chatting for hours. You learn that;

She grew up in [name_u]London[/name_u] before moving to San [name_m]Diego[/name_m] for her mum’s work four years ago. She is studying marine biology.

As your freshman year continues you, [name_f]Summer[/name_f] and [name_f]Martha[/name_f] become an inseparable trio. You go everywhere together and have such a blast. When you and [name_f]Summer[/name_f] drive home for a break, [name_f]Martha[/name_f] comes along and meets all your family and friends back home. You’re enjoying your major and keeping up with your work well and have even met a guy from [name_f]Martha[/name_f]’s course who you’re dating. He’s called;

[name_m]Jonah[/name_m] [name_u]Alex[/name_u] Andrews. He is 6”2 with short black curls and green eyes.

You had no interest in pursuing a relationship before you met [name_m]Jonah[/name_m] but he swept you off your feet. He is majoring in sports science and is very dedicated and ambitious much like you. He doesn’t mind hanging out with you and the girls, but does spend a lot of time playing football. As you go into your second year you’re feeling happier than ever with your study, friends, family and boyfriend. Life is good!

Two weeks after the first semester of your sophomore year there is a huge party planned at one of the sorority houses and you’re invited along with [name_f]Summer[/name_f]] and [name_f]Martha[/name_f]. You spend the evening getting ready together, gossiping and listening to music. You mention you’ve not felt particularly well recently and when you try on [name_f]Summer[/name_f] dress for the party it won’t zip up. [name_f]Martha[/name_f] immediately goes out and buys a pregnancy test. You laugh it off; surely you can’t be pregnant! You’ve only been seeing [name_m]Jonah[/name_m] for eight months and you are definitely not ready for a baby. The three of you sit and await the results… Positive! Your friends calm you down, you know you have options and you have their support. You still want to go to the party. You need to speak to [name_m]Jonah[/name_m] and whilst it isn’t the ideal time, you need to get it off your chest and cannot wait. The three of you set off to the party.

When you arrive the party is in full swing and you ask one of [name_m]Jonah[/name_m]’s friends where he is. Someone says they saw him go upstairs so you go to try and find him to talk whilst your friends grab a drink. Upstairs you look in the bathroom and two of the bedrooms but there is no sign of him. The third bedroom door is shut, but you hear voices on the other side. You open the door slightly your heart stops. On the bed [name_m]Jonah[/name_m] and a girl called [name_f]Macy[/name_f] are doing a lot more than talking. You fling the door open and stand there as their eyes dart to you. The pair immediately jump out of bed, but not fast enough to catch you as you run down the stairs with tears streaming down your face. You go straight out of the door, down the street, running as fast as your legs can carry you. You decide then and there that nothing he says can change what you’ve just seen; you’re going to be doing this alone from now on.

In the weeks that follow you ignore all [name_m]Jonah[/name_m]’s efforts to get in contact and avoid him around campus. You’re utterly depressed about the whole situation, mainly the thought of carrying his child. Despite only putting on a tiny bit of weight a visit to the doctor confirms that you are five months through your pregnancy. You’ve told your parents and they’re incredibly shocked but willing to support you in whatever you decide to do. You’re doing so well at college and don’t want to drop out, nor do you feel that you’re ready to bring up a child. After much deliberation you decide it would be best for you and the child if you gave him/her up for adoption. The support from your friends is incredible! A month before your due date [name_f]Summer[/name_f] and [name_f]Martha[/name_f] drive you to the hospital when you begin to have contractions. The nurse confirms this baby is coming now!
Your mom can’t get there in time, so it’s down to your incredible friends to help you through your 15 hour labour. Eventually your baby girl comes kick and screaming into the world.

She has brown hair, brown eyes and weighs 6lb1oz

You name her [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] [name_f]Hazel[/name_f] [name_m]Cabot[/name_m].

After two days in the hospital you leave with your mum and head home for a few days. Your daughter is going to a family through private adoption and whilst it still hurts an incredible amount, you are determined to move on with your life as much as possible.

The beginning of your first semester at University of [name_u]California[/name_u] studying World [name_m]History[/name_m] is upon you. You’ve packed and prepared yourself for your new adventure, but your summer romance is still fresh in your mind. Your mom and dad arrange a going away celebration at your house with your friends and family and you have such mixed emotions about the whole thing; you’re excited, nervous, anxious, happy and sad all at the same time. Determined to have the time of your life, you and [name_f]Rivka[/name_f] party the night away surrounded by your friends.

Two days later your mum and sister set off with your suitcases and boxes, with [name_f]Rivka[/name_f] and her mom following your car. When you arrive on campus the first thing you notice is how busy it is! Hundreds of proud parents are helping their kids into the dorms with boxes, excited college freshmans are mulling around and student ambassadors are handing out flyers and information every hundred yards. The first thing you and [name_f]Rivka[/name_f] do is approach the admissions stand to register and find your assigned dorm. You are absolutely gutted to find out that not only are you not sharing a room with your best friend, but your assigned rooms are at opposite sides of the campus in totally different buildings. Instead my roomie is some girl named [name_u]Casey[/name_u] [name_m]Harding[/name_m].

You say your goodbyes to your best friend and promise to meet up later once you’re all settled to explore the campus together. You, your mum and [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] make your way to your dorm, up four flights of stairs. After numerous trips you’ve dumped everything in the room. Your new home is Shop the Room - Dormify

It’s obvious that your roommate has already arrived, and they’ve totally made over the room! You’re absolutely amazed; you might be sharing a room with a stranger, but damn this girl has taste! You are excited to meet [name_u]Casey[/name_u] and get to know her.

Later that day you wave off your mom and sister before heading to meet [name_f]Rivka[/name_f]. She tells you about her room, which sounds slightly less impressive than yours, and about her roommate who seems nice. You’re both exhausted from the excitement of the day, so you head back to your dorms to get some sleep. When you arrive back to your room [name_u]Casey[/name_u] is sat on her bed talking on the phone. When she sees you, she makes her excuses and finishes the call, before jumping off the bed and giving you a hug. You both sit down and end up chatting for hours. You learn that her mum is a designer for [name_f]Vivienne[/name_f] Westwood and she has spent her life living with her in [name_m]New[/name_m] [name_m]York[/name_m] City. She’s majoring in graphic design.

As your freshman year continues you, [name_f]Rivka[/name_f] and [name_u]Casey[/name_u] become an inseparable trio. You go everywhere together and have such a blast. When you and [name_f]Rivka[/name_f] drive home for a break, [name_u]Casey[/name_u] comes along and meets all your family and friends back home. You’re enjoying your major and keeping up with your work well and have even met a guy from [name_u]Casey[/name_u]’s course who you’re dating. He’s called [name_u]Corey[/name_u] [name_u]Carson[/name_u]. He is 5”11 with shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes.

You had no interest in pursuing a relationship before you met [name_u]Corey[/name_u] but he swept you off your feet. He is majoring in sports science and is very dedicated and ambitious much like you. He doesn’t mind hanging out with you and the girls, but does spend a lot of time playing football. As you go into your second year you’re feeling happier than ever with your study, friends, family and boyfriend. Life is good!

Two weeks after the first semester of your sophomore year there is a huge party planned at one of the sorority houses and you’re invited along with [name_f]Rivka[/name_f] and [name_u]Casey[/name_u]. You spend the evening getting ready together, gossiping and listening to music. You mention you’ve not felt particularly well recently and when you try on [name_f]Rivka[/name_f]’s dress for the party it won’t zip up. [name_u]Casey[/name_u] immediately goes out and buys a pregnancy test. You laugh it off; surely you can’t be pregnant! You’ve only been seeing [name_u]Corey[/name_u] for eight months and you are definitely not ready for a baby. The three of you sit and await the results… Positive! Your friends calm you down, you know you have options and you have their support. You still want to go to the party. You need to speak to [name_u]Corey[/name_u] and whilst it isn’t the ideal time, you need to get it off your chest and cannot wait. The three of you set off to the party.

When you arrive the party is in full swing and you ask one of [name_u]Corey[/name_u]’s friends where he is. Someone says they saw him go upstairs so you go to try and find him to talk whilst your friends grab a drink. Upstairs you look in the bathroom and two of the bedrooms but there is no sign of him. The third bedroom door is shut, but you hear voices on the other side. You open the door slightly your heart stops. On the bed [name_u]Corey[/name_u] and a girl called [name_f]Macy[/name_f] are doing a lot more than talking. You fling the door open and stand there as their eyes dart to you. The pair immediately jump out of bed, but not fast enough to catch you as you run down the stairs with tears streaming down your face. You go straight out of the door, down the street, running as fast as your legs can carry you. You decide then and there that nothing he says can change what you’ve just seen; you’re going to be doing this alone from now on.

In the weeks that follow you ignore all [name_u]Corey[/name_u]’s efforts to get in contact and avoid him around campus. You’re utterly depressed about the whole situation, mainly the thought of carrying his child. Despite only putting on a tiny bit of weight a visit to the doctor confirms that you are five months through your pregnancy. You’ve told your parents and they’re incredibly shocked but willing to support you in whatever you decide to do. You’re doing so well at college and don’t want to drop out, nor do you feel that you’re ready to bring up a child. After much deliberation you decide it would be best for you and the child if you gave him/her up for adoption. The support from your friends is incredible! A month before your due date [name_f]Rivka[/name_f] and [name_u]Casey[/name_u] drive you to the hospital when you begin to have contractions. The nurse confirms this baby is coming now!
Your mom can’t get there in time, so it’s down to your incredible friends to help you through your 12 hour labour. Eventually your baby girl comes kick and screaming into the world. She has black hair, brown eyes and weighs 6lb5oz. You name her [name_f]Lauren[/name_f] [name_f]Merida[/name_f].

After two days in the hospital you leave with your mum and head home for a few days. Your daughter is going to a family through private adoption and whilst it still hurts an incredible amount, you are determined to move on with your life as much as possible.

The beginning of your first semester at UC [name_m]Berkeley[/name_m] studying [name_m]French[/name_m] is upon you. You’ve packed and prepared yourself for your new adventure, but your summer romance is still fresh in your mind. Your mom and dad arrange a going away celebration at your house with your friends and family and you have such mixed emotions about the whole thing; you’re excited, nervous, anxious, happy and sad all at the same time. Determined to have the time of your life, you and [name_f]Noemi[/name_f] party the night away surrounded by your friends.

Two days later your mum and sister set off with your suitcases and boxes, with [name_f]Noemi[/name_f] and her mom following your car. When you arrive on campus the first thing you notice is how busy it is! Hundreds of proud parents are helping their kids into the dorms with boxes, excited college freshmans are mulling around and student ambassadors are handing out flyers and information every hundred yards. The first thing you and [name_f]Noemi[/name_f] do is approach the admissions stand to register and find your assigned dorm. You are absolutely gutted to find out that not only are you not sharing a room with your best friend, but your assigned rooms are at opposite sides of the campus in totally different buildings. You scroll down the list to see who your roomie will be [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] [name_u]Spencer[/name_u].

You say your goodbyes to your best friend and promise to meet up later once you’re all settled to explore the campus together. You, your mom, and [name_u]Paisley[/name_u] make your way to your dorm, up four flights of stairs. After numerous trips you’ve dumped everything in the room. Your new home is:

It’s obvious that your roommate has already arrived, and they’ve totally made over the room! You’re absolutely amazed; you might be sharing a room with a stranger, but damn this girl has taste! You are excited to meet [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] and get to know her.

Later that day you wave off your mom and sister before heading to meet [name_f]Noemi[/name_f]. She tells you about her room, which sounds slightly less impressive than yours, and about her roommate who seems nice. You’re both exhausted from the excitement of the day, so you head back to your dorms to get some sleep. When you arrive back to your room, [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] is sat on her bed talking on the phone. When she sees you, she makes her excuses and finishes the call, before jumping off the bed and giving you a hug. You both sit down and end up chatting for hours. You learn that she grew up in [name_u]London[/name_u] before moving to San [name_m]Diego[/name_m] for her mum’s work four years ago. She is studying marine biology.

As your freshman year continues you, [name_f]Noemi[/name_f] and [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] become an inseparable trio. You go everywhere together and have such a blast. When you and [name_f]Noemi[/name_f] drive home for a break, [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] comes along and meets all your family and friends back home. You’re enjoying your major and keeping up with your work well and have even met a guy from [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f]’s course who you’re dating. He’s called [name_u]Corey[/name_u] [name_u]Carson[/name_u]. He is 5”11 with shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes.

You had no interest in pursuing a relationship before you met [name_u]Corey[/name_u] but he swept you off your feet. He is majoring in sports science and is very dedicated and ambitious much like you. He doesn’t mind hanging out with you and the girls, but does spend a lot of time playing football. As you go into your second year you’re feeling happier than ever with your study, friends, family and boyfriend. Life is good!

Two weeks after the first semester of your sophomore year there is a huge party planned at one of the sorority houses and you’re invited along with [name_f]Noemi[/name_f] and [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f]. You spend the evening getting ready together, gossiping and listening to music. You mention you’ve not felt particularly well recently and when you try on [name_f]Noemi[/name_f]’s dress for the party it won’t zip up. [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] immediately goes out and buys a pregnancy test. You laugh it off; surely you can’t be pregnant! You’ve only been seeing [name_u]Corey[/name_u] for eight months and you are definitely not ready for a baby. The three of you sit and await the results… Positive! Your friends calm you down, you know you have options and you have their support. You still want to go to the party. You need to speak to [name_u]Corey[/name_u] and whilst it isn’t the ideal time, you need to get it off your chest and cannot wait. The three of you set off to the party.

When you arrive the party is in full swing and you ask one of [name_u]Corey[/name_u]’s friends where he is. Someone says they saw him go upstairs so you go to try and find him to talk whilst your friends grab a drink. Upstairs you look in the bathroom and two of the bedrooms but there is no sign of him. The third bedroom door is shut, but you hear voices on the other side. You open the door slightly your heart stops. On the bed [name_u]Corey[/name_u] and a girl called [name_f]Macy[/name_f] are doing a lot more than talking. You fling the door open and stand there as their eyes dart to you. The pair immediately jump out of bed, but not fast enough to catch you as you run down the stairs with tears streaming down your face. You go straight out of the door, down the street, running as fast as your legs can carry you. You decide then and there that nothing he says can change what you’ve just seen; you’re going to be doing this alone from now on.

In the weeks that follow you ignore all [name_u]Corey[/name_u]’s efforts to get in contact and avoid him around campus. You’re utterly depressed about the whole situation, mainly the thought of carrying his child. Despite only putting on a tiny bit of weight a visit to the doctor confirms that you are five months through your pregnancy. You’ve told your parents and they’re incredibly shocked but willing to support you in whatever you decide to do. You’re doing so well at college and don’t want to drop out, nor do you feel that you’re ready to bring up a child. After much deliberation you decide it would be best for you and the child if you gave them up for adoption. The support from your friends is incredible! A month before your due date [name_f]Noemi[/name_f] and [name_f]Georgia[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] drive you to the hospital when you begin to have contractions. The nurse confirms this baby is coming now!

Your mom can’t get there in time, so it’s down to your incredible friends to help you through your twelve hour labour. Eventually your baby girl comes kick and screaming into the world. She has no hair, brown eyes and weighs 4lb12oz. You name her [name_f]Leila[/name_f] Bindi Carrington.

After two days in the hospital you leave with your mum and head home for a few days. Your daughter is going to a family through private adoption and whilst it still hurts an incredible amount, you are determined to move on with your life as much as possible.

The beginning of your first semester at Monash University studying Biology is upon you. You’ve packed and prepared yourself for your new adventure, but your summer romance is still fresh in your mind. Your mom and dad arrange a going away celebration at your house with your friends and family and you have such mixed emotions about the whole thing; you’re excited, nervous, anxious, happy and sad all at the same time. Determined to have the time of your life, you and [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] party the night away surrounded by your friends.

Two days later your mum and sister set off with your suitcases and boxes, with [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] and her mom following your car. When you arrive on campus the first thing you notice is how busy it is! Hundreds of proud parents are helping their kids into the dorms with boxes, excited college freshmans are mulling around and student ambassadors are handing out flyers and information every hundred yards. The first thing you and [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] do is approach the admissions stand to register and find your assigned dorm. You are absolutely gutted to find out that not only are you not sharing a room with your best friend, but your assigned rooms are at opposite sides of the campus in totally different buildings. You scroll down the list to see who your roomie will be; [name_f]Cora[/name_f] [name_f]Laverne[/name_f]

You say your goodbyes to your best friend and promise to meet up later once you’re all settled to explore the campus together. You, your mum and [name_f]Helena[/name_f] make your way to your dorm, up four flights of stairs. After numerous trips you’ve dumped everything in the room. Your new home is; Collections Archive - Dormify

It’s obvious that your roommate has already arrived, and they’ve totally made over the room! You’re absolutely amazed; you might be sharing a room with a stranger, but damn this girl has taste! You are excited to meet [name_f]Cora[/name_f] and get to know her.

Later that day you wave off your mom and sister before heading to meet [name_f]Emilia[/name_f]. She tells you about her room, which sounds slightly less impressive than yours, and about her roommate who seems nice. You’re both exhausted from the excitement of the day, so you head back to your dorms to get some sleep. When you arrive back to your room [name_f]Cora[/name_f] is sat on her bed talking on the phone. When she sees you, she makes her excuses and finishes the call, before jumping off the bed and giving you a hug. You both sit down and end up chatting for hours. You learn that; Her mum is a designer for [name_f]Vivienne[/name_f] Westwood and she has spent her life living with her in [name_m]New[/name_m] [name_m]York[/name_m] City. She’s majoring in graphic design.

As your freshman year continues you, [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] and [name_f]Cora[/name_f] become an inseparable trio. You go everywhere together and have such a blast. When you and [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] drive home for a break, [name_f]Cora[/name_f] comes along and meets all your family and friends back home. You’re enjoying your major and keeping up with your work well and have even met a guy from [name_f]Cora[/name_f]’s course who you’re dating. He’s called; [name_m]Justin[/name_m] [name_m]Ben[/name_m] [name_m]Moore[/name_m]. He is 5”8 with shaved black hair and hazel eyes.

You had no interest in pursuing a relationship before you met [name_m]Justin[/name_m] but he swept you off your feet. He is majoring in sports science and is very dedicated and ambitious much like you. He doesn’t mind hanging out with you and the girls, but does spend a lot of time playing football. As you go into your second year you’re feeling happier than ever with your study, friends, family and boyfriend. Life is good!

Two weeks after the first semester of your sophomore year there is a huge party planned at one of the sorority houses and you’re invited along with [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] and [name_f]Cora[/name_f]. You spend the evening getting ready together, gossiping and listening to music. You mention you’ve not felt particularly well recently and when you try on [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] dress for the party it won’t zip up. [name_f]Cora[/name_f] immediately goes out and buys a pregnancy test. You laugh it off; surely you can’t be pregnant! You’ve only been seeing [name_m]Justin[/name_m] for eight months and you are definitely not ready for a baby. The three of you sit and await the results… Positive! Your friends calm you down, you know you have options and you have their support. You still want to go to the party. You need to speak to [name_m]Justin[/name_m] and whilst it isn’t the ideal time, you need to get it off your chest and cannot wait. The three of you set off to the party.

When you arrive the party is in full swing and you ask one of [name_m]Justin[/name_m]’s friends where he is. Someone says they saw him go upstairs so you go to try and find him to talk whilst your friends grab a drink. Upstairs you look in the bathroom and two of the bedrooms but there is no sign of him. The third bedroom door is shut, but you hear voices on the other side. You open the door slightly your heart stops. On the bed [name_m]Justin[/name_m] and a girl called [name_f]Macy[/name_f] are doing a lot more than talking. You fling the door open and stand there as their eyes dart to you. The pair immediately jump out of bed, but not fast enough to catch you as you run down the stairs with tears streaming down your face. You go straight out of the door, down the street, running as fast as your legs can carry you. You decide then and there that nothing he says can change what you’ve just seen; you’re going to be doing this alone from now on.

In the weeks that follow you ignore all [name_m]Justin[/name_m]’s efforts to get in contact and avoid him around campus. You’re utterly depressed about the whole situation, mainly the thought of carrying his child. Despite only putting on a tiny bit of weight a visit to the doctor confirms that you are five months through your pregnancy. You’ve told your parents and they’re incredibly shocked but willing to support you in whatever you decide to do. You’re doing so well at college and don’t want to drop out, nor do you feel that you’re ready to bring up a child. After much deliberation you decide it would be best for you and the child if you gave him/her up for adoption. The support from your friends is incredible! A month before your due date [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] and [name_f]Cora[/name_f] drive you to the hospital when you begin to have contractions. The nurse confirms this baby is coming now!
Your mom can’t get there in time, so it’s down to your incredible friends to help you through your 11 hour labour. Eventually your baby girl comes kick and screaming into the world. She has red hair, blue eyes and weighs 5lb8oz
You name her; [name_f]Clarissa[/name_f] [name_f]Violet[/name_f] Ackles.

After two days in the hospital you leave with your mum and head home for a few days. Your daughter is going to a family through private adoption and whilst it still hurts an incredible amount, you are determined to move on with your life as much as possible.

The beginning of your first semester at Minnesota State University studying English Literature is upon you. You’ve packed and prepared yourself for your new adventure, but your summer romance is still fresh in your mind. Your mom and dad arrange a going away celebration at your house with your friends and family and you have such mixed emotions about the whole thing; you’re excited, nervous, anxious, happy and sad all at the same time. Determined to have the time of your life, you and [name_f]Mia[/name_f] party the night away surrounded by your friends.

Two days later your mum and sister set off with your suitcases and boxes, with [name_f]Mia[/name_f] and her mom following your car. When you arrive on campus the first thing you notice is how busy it is! Hundreds of proud parents are helping their kids into the dorms with boxes, excited college freshmans are mulling around and student ambassadors are handing out flyers and information every hundred yards. The first thing you and [name_f]Mia[/name_f] do is approach the admissions stand to register and find your assigned dorm. You are absolutely gutted to find out that not only are you not sharing a room with your best friend, but your assigned rooms are at opposite sides of the campus in totally different buildings. You scroll down the list to see that your roomie will be [name_u]Casey[/name_u] [name_m]Harding[/name_m].

You say your goodbyes to your best friend and promise to meet up later once you’re all settled to explore the campus together. You, your mum and [name_f]Emma[/name_f] make your way to your dorm, up four flights of stairs. After numerous trips you’ve dumped everything in the room. Your new home is;
[4] Shop the Room - Dormify

It’s obvious that your roommate has already arrived, and they’ve totally made over the room! You’re absolutely amazed; you might be sharing a room with a stranger, but damn this girl has taste! You are excited to meet [name_u]Casey[/name_u] and get to know her.

Later that day you wave off your mom and sister before heading to meet [name_f]Mia[/name_f]. She tells you about her room, which sounds slightly less impressive than yours, and about her roommate who seems nice. You’re both exhausted from the excitement of the day, so you head back to your dorms to get some sleep. When you arrive back to your room [name_u]Casey[/name_u] is sat on her bed talking on the phone. When she sees you, she makes her excuses and finishes the call, before jumping off the bed and giving you a hug. You both sit down and end up chatting for hours. You learn that she grew up in [name_u]London[/name_u] before moving to San [name_m]Diego[/name_m] for her mum’s work four years ago. She is studying marine biology.

[name_m]Aaron[/name_m] Chapman. He’s 6” with floppy blonde hair and blue eyes.

You had no interest in pursuing a relationship before you met [name_m]Aaron[/name_m] but he swept you off your feet. He is majoring in sports science and is very dedicated and ambitious much like you. He doesn’t mind hanging out with you and the girls, but does spend a lot of time playing football. As you go into your second year you’re feeling happier than ever with your study, friends, family and boyfriend. Life is good!

Two weeks after the first semester of your sophomore year there is a huge party planned at one of the sorority houses and you’re invited along with [name_f]Mia[/name_f] and [name_u]Casey[/name_u]. You spend the evening getting ready together, gossiping and listening to music. You mention you’ve not felt particularly well recently and when you try on [name_f]Mia[/name_f]'s dress for the party it won’t zip up. [name_u]Casey[/name_u] immediately goes out and buys a pregnancy test. You laugh it off; surely you can’t be pregnant! You’ve only been seeing [name_m]Aaron[/name_m] for eight months and you are definitely not ready for a baby. The three of you sit and await the results… Positive! Your friends calm you down, you know you have options and you have their support. You still want to go to the party. You need to speak to [name_m]Aaron[/name_m] and whilst it isn’t the ideal time, you need to get it off your chest and cannot wait. The three of you set off to the party.

When you arrive the party is in full swing and you ask one of [name_m]Aaron[/name_m]’s friends where he is. Someone says they saw him go upstairs so you go to try and find him to talk whilst your friends grab a drink. Upstairs you look in the bathroom and two of the bedrooms but there is no sign of him. The third bedroom door is shut, but you hear voices on the other side. You open the door slightly your heart stops. On the bed [name_m]Aaron[/name_m] and a girl named [name_f]Macy[/name_f] are doing a lot more than talking. You fling the door open and stand there as their eyes dart to you. The pair immediately jump out of bed, but not fast enough to catch you as you run down the stairs with tears streaming down your face. You go straight out of the door, down the street, running as fast as your legs can carry you. You decide then and there that nothing he says can change what you’ve just seen; you’re going to be doing this alone from now on.

In the weeks that follow you ignore all of [name_m]Aaron[/name_m]’s efforts to get in contact and avoid him around campus. You’re utterly depressed about the whole situation, mainly the thought of carrying his child. Despite only putting on a tiny bit of weight a visit to the doctor confirms that you are five months through your pregnancy. You’ve told your parents and they’re incredibly shocked but willing to support you in whatever you decide to do. You’re doing so well at college and don’t want to drop out, nor do you feel that you’re ready to bring up a child. After much deliberation you decide it would be best for you and the child if you gave him/her up for adoption. The support from your friends is incredible! A month before your due date [name_f]Mia[/name_f] and [name_u]Casey[/name_u] drive you to the hospital when you begin to have contractions. The nurse confirms this baby is coming now!
Your mom can’t get there in time, so it’s down to your incredible friends to help you through your 16 hour labour. Eventually your baby girl comes kick and screaming into the world. She has black hair, brown eyes and weighs 6lb 5oz. Her name is [name_f]Louise[/name_f] [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] [name_m]Macauley[/name_m]

After two days in the hospital you leave with your mum and head home for a few days. Your daughter is going to a family through private adoption and whilst it still hurts an incredible amount, you are determined to move on with your life as much as possible.