Sure Signs You Are a Name Nerd

Lol. I love these. My husband is defiantly getting tired of me throwing names at him. Especially since we aren’t expecting. People always look at me weird when I ask them what they want to name their future kids.

  • When one of your favorite parts of Disney World is seeing all the different nametags on the cast members :smiley:

If you read an entire baby name book in one day (me!!!)
If you always ask people what their siblings, parents and pets are (me)
If you look at other people facebook pages to see their friends list for names (me!!!)

I am SOOO glad I’m not alone in this obsession! :slight_smile:

  • I have to stop myself in public from asking people their names and when they were born so I can know how popular their names were at the time. (And I don’t even have to look it up!)

  • I hear “[name]Honey[/name], please don’t ask that woman what her baby’s name is.” quite a bit.

  • My husband banned me from Nameberry for 2 days because I had racked up enough hours for a part time job.

  • Also, those things about reading a name book in a day (guilty), and the Facebook thing (totally guilty), if it helps anyone else, sometimes I go on there and search for the names on my list to see what sort of people pop up. If it is a bunch of…unsavory people…sometimes I cross it off my list. :slight_smile:

Oh my, I do that too! All the time!

  • When your husband sees you on the computer and says “You berrying it up?” or “What’s new on The [name]Berry[/name]?”

  • When you sit through the credits of every movie you watch just to read the names. And you cross a name off your list if you saw it in the credits and didn’t get excited about it. And your favorite part of seeing the new Pixar movie is that the list all the “Production Babies”

  • You used to go to the bookstore every day on your work break to check what all the name books say about your favorite du jour.

  • You kept the pamphlet from your niece’s [name]Winter[/name] Concert two years ago just because the names were so interesting.

  • [name]Every[/name] time someone in your family hears a new name they say, “What do you think of …, [name]Lyndsay[/name]?”

Oh my gosh!! These are so great! :slight_smile:

Fabulous post!

Here’s another: When you can’t resist telling new people you meet what their names mean. Then they ask you the meanings of names to other people they know… and you know the answer! (I’m very guilty of this!)

BTW: DH hates it that I spend so much time on Nameberry!

I have a memo pad on my cell phone saved with names that I might spontaneously think of. When that is full I’ll send a text to myself so I wont forget.

My husband beat a video game the other night and I happened to be in the room. I made him sit through the end credits so I can could scan them for awesome names.

I am also impatiently waiting for my girls to get their yearbooks for this school year. Yearbooks are a treasure trove of names, some good and some well, not.

You ask your 19-year-old brother what he’s going to name his kids.

You’re happy that he has a girlfriend named [name]Natalie[/name], because “Aunt [name]Natalie[/name]” sounds good, and [name]Jeff[/name] and [name]Natalie[/name] sound like they’ll give their kids good names.

You’re worried when he breaks up with [name]Natalie[/name], because what if his future wife has an ugly name and your kids have to say “Aunt Lemonjello”…

I check NB each day, and if I can’t get to the computer, I think about all of you and your naming dilemmas throughout the day and night…

I dream of names and what a child with such a name might look like…

I often see pictures of someone or have someone introduced to me only to later imagine what his or her “ideal name” might be…

I’ve named my plants - [name]Alfie[/name] [name]Theodore[/name], [name]Stella[/name] [name]Josephine[/name], and [name]Calliope[/name] [name]Jade[/name] - AND my foster-plants - [name]Hermione[/name] [name]Jane[/name]…

I re-named my roommate’s stuffed polar bear - who names a polar bear [name]Isadora[/name]? - to the more appropriate [name]Agatha[/name] [name]Justine[/name]. I can’t stand that bear, and it is sadly reflected in my name choice (sorry to all you [name]Agatha[/name] and [name]Justine[/name] lovers!)…

All the books in my nightstand drawer are, well, baby name books…

While making copies at Kinko’s yesterday evening, a mother and cute girl about age 7 were at a machine near me. I was so curious which name the mother had ended up choosing for her little girl. The mother did not call her by name, and it would be too weird to ask. I’ll never know. Sigh.

  • Also, those things about reading a name book in a day (guilty), and the Facebook thing (totally guilty), if it helps anyone else, sometimes I go on there and search for the names on my list to see what sort of people pop up. If it is a bunch of…unsavory people…sometimes I cross it off my list. :slight_smile:

I’m also guilty of this. Actually looking up names on Facebook helps if you think a name is so far out there that no one is using it. To my surprise there are always at least a handful of people with “unsual” names.

  • When you sit through the credits of every movie you watch just to read the names. And you cross a name off your list if you saw it in the credits and didn’t get excited about it. And your favorite part of seeing the new Pixar movie is that the list all the “Production Babies”

Oh yes! The production babies are so exciting. If I’m at the theater, I always have to peer at the screen though, and normally can only catch a few!

Ok! My reply skills still need a little help! I was quoting [name]Lyndsay[/name] in that first paragraph.

You are a name nerd if you notice all the names while looking through oyur history textbook (or science or math…)