Surgery during pregnancy

So I’m 7 weeks along and I’ve been told I have gall stones. Which may mean I’ll need surgery to remove my gall bladder. My doctor has said if it comes to that it’ll be sooner rather than later, because surgery becomes more complicated later on in pregnancy.

Normally surgery wouldn’t scare me, because I’ve had my fair share in the past (appendix, grommets, breast reduction and wisdom teeth). But the idea of surgery during pregnancy has me somewhat petrified! I don’t care if I have to have my gall bladder out, but I do care if I lose this baby :frowning:

Has anyone else ever had surgery while pregnant? Any ideas what I can expect? What painkillers I’ll be allowed, etc?

Also, does anyone know if gall bladder problems and/or surgery might result in a c-section later?

my cousin had her appendix out whil pregnant… every thing was fine and she delivered naturally at 38 weeks!

Not sure about pain killers but i know some are ok while pregnant!

Good luck and congrats!