My last name is [name]Watt[/name]–no S–so, very similar, and I always wished my parents had given me a rather longer first name (mine is [name]Sydney[/name]) to balance out my one-syllable last name; just something for you to keep in mind.
[name]Judy[/name]–I’ve never been a [name]Judy[/name] person. I admire [name]Judy[/name] [name]Garland[/name], but if you’re perhaps influenced by her, I would choose [name]Garland[/name] over this. [name]Judith[/name], however, has grown on me. I used to hate -ith names, but [name]Judith[/name] (if you think this is stuffy, I prefer the nicknames [name]Jude[/name], [name]Jud[/name], Dithy, & Ditty), [name]Tabitha[/name], [name]Edith[/name], and [name]Lilith[/name] are all quite pretty, even if I still can’t hold myself to like [name]Meredith[/name]. [name]Even[/name] as [name]Judith[/name], though, this name isn’t a favorite of mine with Watts.
[name]Florence[/name]–what a pretty name! Quite old-fashioned, and [name]Flora[/name] is a beautiful nickname. I think [name]Florence[/name] [name]Ivy[/name] Watts sounds like such a sophisticated, British-esque name.
[name]Violet[/name]–I prefer this name as [name]Violette[/name], [name]Violeta[/name], or [name]Violetta[/name], and I think those last two would go better with your surname. [name]Violetta[/name] Watts “[name]Viola[/name]” is gorgeous. I even then the two double T’s look good. Other V names with a similar feel are [name]Verena[/name], [name]Venetia[/name], [name]Vienna[/name], and [name]Vivienne[/name] ([name]Vienna[/name] could even be a nickname for Vivienna).
[name]Maggie[/name]–this seems to be growing popular with [name]Margaret[/name]. I, myself, would much rather choose [name]Marguerite[/name] “[name]Mamie[/name]”, which has a much more interesting and less harsh sound to me.
[name]Mabel[/name]–this name is absolutely charming. [name]Mabel[/name] Watts, even with [name]Mabel[/name] only two syllables, is quite a combo.
[name]Daisy[/name]–I think there are many better flower names than [name]Daisy[/name]. I was never very pulled towards it. I would encourage [name]Poppy[/name], but [name]Poppy[/name] Watts sounds like Poppycock.
[name]Dolores[/name]–another name I’ve never much liked. Perhaps you’d like [name]Dorothea[/name], “[name]Dora[/name]/[name]Thea[/name]”?
[name]Eliza[/name]–a pretty name as a nickname for [name]Elizabeth[/name] a=or as just a name by itself. Another more romantic and less-used alternative is [name]Elsie[/name].
Elladora–I agree with previous posters about this sounding made up. Sure, it has a nice flow, but one or the other would work just fine (examples: [name]Eleonora[/name] “[name]Ella[/name]”, [name]Feodora[/name] “[name]Dora[/name]”).
[name]Enid[/name]–this name doesn’t even sound clunky-nerd-chic to me. I would surpass it for one of your better names.
[name]Lilith[/name]–ahh, how pretty! I like this name, as well as the similar [name]Lilias[/name] that you might consider.
[name]Ivy[/name]–simplistic, but not dull. Classic, but not over-used. This name has it all. I’m leaning towards the combo [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Philippa[/name] Watts–it just all sounds very complimentive to me.
[name]Myrtle[/name]–a risky choice. Either she will be the coolest of the cool with this name or the weirdest of the weird. I wouldn’t use it with Watts, but it might work.
[name]Dilys[/name]–[name]Dilys[/name]?? I can’t say that I think I will ever like this name. [name]Ever[/name].
I think you have a lot of nice names in here, even if I’m not a fan of all of them. I’m interested to see which will come out as yout number one!