Taylor Swift Names 🍓

Taylor Swift essentially got me through the pandemic. Over time, years actually, I have grown to love her and her songs. I know she is not everyone’s choice, and I am not here to force her songs upon any body.

I can count the people I want to honour with baby names on my fingers. They’re really less and most of them have names that I wouldn’t readily use. Possibly a variation, but half the time I can’t find any I like. Taylor is a similar one. I am not fond of Taylor as a name.

I thought of using a unisex name but I am absolutely rubbish at unisex names. They all lean one gender more than the other. River, Hollis, Jupiter, August and Ash are more masculine and Adair, Fifer, Lux, Hero and Jules are feminine to me. I thought of Bowie since it truly is unisex (for me) and has a musical association but it doesn’t relate to TS. Names like Cameron or Sawyer are not my taste. Alison is her middle names so any Al- names are welcome.

Names from songs

Dorothea: From the song with the same name, it is Greek and would go with my top baby names at the moment. However I also plan on calling Athena ‘Thea’ and the -thea ending makes it confusing.

Not keen on Ivy, Willow, Inez or Betty. I love James though. Juliet (from Love Story) and Grace (from State of Grace) are fine. Love Daisy (from Don’t Blame Me). Like August (b) as well.

Any names that relate to her, her songs and everything in between, drop 'em here. Thank you.

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It would be great if you could also mention where you got the names from. For eg: [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] (Don’t Blame Me)

[name_m]Romeo[/name_m] ([name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_u]Story[/name_u])
[name_u]Drew[/name_u] (Teardrops on [name_f]My[/name_f] [name_u]Guitar[/name_u])
[name_u]John[/name_u] (Dear [name_u]John[/name_u]; though admittedly not exactly a great song to be named after)
[name_u]Taye[/name_u], [name_u]Baylor[/name_u], [name_f]Lori[/name_f], or [name_u]Taylin[/name_u] (from Taylor)
[name_u]Laken[/name_u] or [name_u]Lake[/name_u] (from The Lakes)
[name_u]Peace[/name_u] ([name_u]Peace[/name_u])
[name_f]Goldie[/name_f] ([name_m]Gold[/name_m] [name_m]Rush[/name_m]; though the lyrics are “I don’t like a gold rush”)
[name_f]Este[/name_f] (No Body, No Crime)
[name_f]Marjorie[/name_f] ([name_f]Marjorie[/name_f])
[name_m]Stephen[/name_m] (Hey [name_m]Stephen[/name_m])
[name_f]Mary[/name_f] (Mary’s Song)
[name_m]Ronan[/name_m] ([name_m]Ronan[/name_m]; definitely a heartbreaking and personal story though)
[name_u]Winter[/name_u] ([name_u]Forever[/name_u] [name_u]Winter[/name_u]; again maybe not a song you’d want to be named after)
[name_u]Garnet[/name_u], [name_u]Ruby[/name_u], [name_f]Scarlett[/name_f], [name_u]Reed[/name_u], [name_u]Rory[/name_u], [name_u]Rowan[/name_u], [name_f]Sienna[/name_f], or [name_m]Russell[/name_m] ([name_u]Red[/name_u]; names related to the color red)
[name_f]Farrah[/name_f], [name_f]Felicity[/name_f], [name_f]Felicia[/name_f], [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f], [name_f]Beatriz[/name_f], [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f], or [name_f]Behati[/name_f] (Happiness; names meaning happiness)


[name_u]Timothy[/name_u] (Tim McGraw) is the first that came to mind. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Perhaps also [name_f]Lory[/name_f], from rearranged letters in [name_u]Taylor[/name_u].

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Obviously we now have [name_f]Carolina[/name_f] to add to this list


Let me see if I can come up with any other ones…

[name_u]Lark[/name_u] ([name_f]Dorothea[/name_f])
[name_u]Tatum[/name_u] (from Taylor)
[name_f]Hope[/name_f] ([name_u]August[/name_u])
[name_f]Rebekah[/name_f], [name_u]Rhodes[/name_u], [name_f]Holiday[/name_f], [name_u]Marvel[/name_u] (The Last Great [name_u]America[/name_u] [name_u]Dynasty[/name_u])
[name_u]Fable[/name_u] (from folklore)

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Let’s not forget the real stars: [name_u]Meredith[/name_u] [name_u]Grey[/name_u], [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_m]Benson[/name_m] and [name_u]Benjamin[/name_u] Button.

[name_f]Cornelia[/name_f] (Cornelia Street)
[name_u]Ever[/name_u] (Evermore)
[name_u]Archer[/name_u] (Archer)
[name_f]Wisteria[/name_f] (The Lakes)
[name_m]Peter[/name_m] (she mentions peter pan in a song but can’t remember it right now)
Bluebird (bluebird cafe)
[name_u]Cory[/name_u] / [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] (Stay Beautiful)
[name_f]Esther[/name_f] (Starlight, [name_f]Este[/name_f] No Body no Crime)

You could also go for the initials TS, for example:

[name_f]Theodora[/name_f] [name_f]Sonnet[/name_f]
[name_u]Timothy[/name_u] [name_m]Simon[/name_m]


fair warning: these are all really stretchy!

wendy (from cardigan “peter losing wendy”)
summer (cruel summer, august)
faith (hoax)
moon (seven, paper rings)
saturn (seven)
seven (seven, happiness)
goldie (daylight + gold rush)
glow (ivy, afterglow)
aurora, wisteria, poet (the lakes)
frost (just a play on the times she says frozen and blue)
love, loveday (lover etc)
rose, rosey (the 1, wildest dreams)
ocean (gorgeous, and then various instances where she references water. eg this love, willow…)
november, july (ivy)
december, september (back to december)
january (lover)
october (references halloween in ronan)
autumn (all references to the fall, evermore and red are seen as fall albums)
dean (style and her grandfather’s name)
ace (new romantics)
castle (a lot of songs from 1989 forward, esp rep. ciwyw, new romantics, komh…)
honey (happiness, tiwwchnt, etc)
cheshire (wonderland)
opal (ivy)
midnight (style, new year’s day, etc)
kitty (she loves cats + lover “cat and mouse”)
mercury (illicit affairs)
eve (new year’s day)
andrea (her mom but also drew from teardrops on my guitar)
corey (stay beautiful)
wild (stay beautiful, style)
happy (happiness, could be a cute nn??)
scarlet (the color red, new romantics, love story)
hero (my tears ricochet, the archer)
ash (my tears ricochet, etc)
rain (sparks fly, how you get the girl)
sunset (wildest dreams)

as for al- names:
-alder (tree meaning, referenced a lot in her songs)
-althea/alethea/almathea (similar to dorothea)
-alice (where alison comes from + wonderland reference)
-alwyn (but it might be weird)
-alma / alba

star-related names like stella, estelle (starlight, cardigan)

any name that starts with “v” (v is the 22nd letter in the alphabet) or o (it’s the 15th)

something in reference to gardens? gardener, gardenia?

(eta some things that didn’t save in edits earlier :sob:)


[name_f]My[/name_f] favourite subtle [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] [name_m]Swift[/name_m] baby name is… [name_u]Lennon[/name_u]. It means Lover :heart:


[name_f]Alyssa[/name_f] <=Taylor [name_f]Alison[/name_f] [name_m]Swift[/name_m]

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Fellow Swiftie here!
Here are some names that relate to her, wether they are names mentioned in songs, the names of people/animals in her life, or relate to song titles are phrases in songs:

-Tim (Tim McGraw, her debut song)
-Romeo (Love Story)
-Abigail (her best friend Abigail, who is also mentioned in the song Fifteen)
-Goldie (gold rush)
-Aurora (the lakes (“i want auroras and sad prose”) )
-Mary (Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) )
-Stephen (Hey Stephen)
-Marjorie (her grandma Marjorie, as well as marjorie, the song dedicated to her)
-Estee (no body, no crime)
-Summer (august (“so much for summer love”), Cruel Summer)
-Archer (The Archer) (you can also use the nickname Archie after Taylors grandpa)
-Cornelia (Cornelia Street)
-Rebekah (the last great american dynasty)
-London (London Boy)
-Cory (Stay Beautiful)
-Bobby (Starlight)
-Autumn (All Too Well (“Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place”), plus a lot of her albums were released in Autumn)
-Cat (she loves cats and has three of them)
-Meredith (or Benjamin, or Olivia) (the names of her cats)
-Andrea (her mom Andrea)
-Scott (her dad Scott)
-Austin (her brother Austin)
-Joe (her boyfriend Joe Alwyn)
-Jack (Jack Antonoff, a frequent producer on her albums, though this may be a stretch :joy:)
-Selena (her friend Selena Gomez)

Hope this helps :slight_smile: