I kept my list of favorite names on my phone (bad move!), and the note accidentally got deleted. So, I’ve decided to use this as a chance to make a brand new list.
Like my title says - tell me some names that I haven’t heard before as well as how to pronounce them. I’m looking for names that are rare/underused/interesting/etc.
I’m hoping that this will be a way to find new inspiration for my name list, and also I’m hoping that it will inspire other people as well with new names to add to their lists!
Here’s a few to get you started:
[name]Loic[/name] -male, LOW + IK, old French name that seems to be coming back in style (100 year rule?)… At least, I have a friend who would like to use it if her DH will let her In French, there are 2 dots on the I, like in [name]Noel[/name].
Ludivine - female, LOO + duh + veen (French pronunciation), same friend’s friend from [name]France[/name]… But they haven’t added this to NB yet
[name]Ksenia[/name] -female, one of my DH’s Russian colleagues, Kuhn + [name]Sen[/name] + ya
Oh… Sorry, I didn’t realize you posted this in the boy’s section only.
Judicaël - pronounced: JU-dah-kyle, basically, or JU-dah-kale. [name]Breton[/name]/Old French name.
Maximian - pronounced: max-IHM-ee-uhn. A [name]Roman[/name] ruler ([name]Marcus[/name] [name]Aurelius[/name] Maximianus).
[name]Alvar[/name] - pronounced: [name]AL[/name]-ver. This is basically the same name as [name]Oliver[/name], meaning “elf ruler”
Aelfric/Elfric/Alfer - see above
[name]Jove[/name] - pronounced just as it looks, JOHV, another name for the god [name]Jupiter[/name].
[name]Leonid[/name] - pronounced [name]LAY[/name]-oh-nid or [name]LAY[/name]-oh-need, a variation of [name]Leo[/name]/[name]Leon[/name]/[name]Leonidas[/name] etc
Ansgar - AHNS-gar. I think it means weapon of god, so, kind of a lot.
I’m not sure what’s already been posted yet but here it goes:
Onesimus: oh-NES-i-mus, a saint and Latinized form of Onesimos.
[name]Demyan[/name]: Russian form of [name]Damian[/name]
[name]Ilya[/name]: ill-YAH, Russian form of [name]Elijah[/name]
You’ve probably heard of these but here are some of the more unusual ones on my list: [name]Tobias[/name] (toe-BIE-ahs), [name]Amadeus[/name] (am-ah-[name]DAY[/name]-ahs), [name]Xena[/name] ([name]ZEE[/name]-nah), [name]Xenia[/name] ([name]ZEN[/name]-ya / ZEEN-ya), [name]Ember[/name], [name]Lucia[/name] (LOO-see-ah).