[name]Mercedes[/name] - okay, I need to clarify how to pronounce this in Spanish. It’s mair (when you get to the r, thrust your tongue up quickly a little bit so you almost make a soft “d” sound)-[name]SAY[/name]-thace (make a soft “th” sound like the “th” sound in the word lathe.) Pretty, huh?
[name]Crispo[/name] - Originally, I had this as [name]Crispin[/name] on this list but I looked it up on Nameberry, and [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] say the Spanish version is [name]Crispo[/name]. I read a book about Mexico once that had a character in it named [name]Crispin[/name], so I thought that it was a Spanish name.
[name]Francisco[/name] nn [name]Cisco[/name]
[name]Carmen[/name] - I knew a girl name Karmin growing up.
[name]Elena[/name] - I just love this name.
[name]Fe[/name] - how do you pronounce this? I’m very curious.
[name]Mercedes[/name] - it use to be a favorite of mine when was about 14.
[name]Rosa[/name] - how can anyone not love a rose name?
[name]Angel[/name] - I don’t know why but I love the name [name]Angel[/name] for a boy. [name]Angelo[/name] too.
[name]Crispin[/name] - is this Hispanic? I didn’t know.
[name]Isaias[/name] - awesome.
[name]Mateo[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] it and [name]Matteo[/name] spelling too.
Disa, [name]Fe[/name] is pronounced like [name]Fay[/name], like [name]Santa[/name] [name]Fe[/name]. It means faith.
If anyone wants to know how to pronounce a Hispanic name, just ask. I think I know how to pronounce them all, and if I don’t, I will ask my sister. She is fluent in Spanish.
[name]Love[/name] Mexico! [name]Love[/name] names from Mexico so much because I’ve been there so many times. But Hispanic names can be from all different place including Spain, Latin [name]America[/name] and the Philippines. Sp if you know popular or interesting names from any of those places, please list them on this thread.
Laughing at myself. I don’t know why [name]Santa[/name] [name]Fe[/name] didn’t come to mind. I figured fay was the pronunciation but wanted to make sure. I actually really like it a lot and think it has fantastic potential as a mn. Thanks
[name]Pilar[/name] was the first that came to mind ^^ I’ve always loved it, but when I heard it in use in the TV show Eureka! I rediscovered it completely!
I also adore [name]Soledad[/name], [name]Rio[/name], [name]Mariposa[/name] and [name]Inigo[/name], but those are all the Hispanic names on my list that I didn’t have to check… (I could check for more, but it’s just too time consuming!)
What’s cool about Spanish names is that you can add the suffix ita/ito (meaning “little”) to any of the names to make them your own. ([name]Unique[/name], yet legit)
I was visiting my mother-in-law at her little convalescent home up near the mountains, and I was talking to some of the ladies that care for her. They all speak Spanish. There is a new lady there named [name]Carolina[/name], so I was making her acquaintance. After I asked her what her name is, she asked me what mine is. I said, “[name]Susan[/name].” She looked blank. I said, “[name]Susana[/name]!” Her face lit up. She said, “[name]Ah[/name], [name]Susana[/name]!” Then another lady said, “[name]Susie[/name]!” I said, “No, [name]Susan[/name], pero en Espanol es [name]Susana[/name]. No [name]Susie[/name].” I only let my sister and her family call me [name]Susie[/name]. So I guess to those ladies, I’m [name]Susana[/name]. That’s fine with me - very pretty. They tried to say [name]Susan[/name], and they had a hard time with it. [name]Susana[/name] has more of a lilt. When I was little, my name was [name]Deborah[/name], and Spanish-speaking people loved to say my name with a Spanish accent. They would call me [name]Debora[/name] [name]Susana[/name] and Deborita. What do you think of Deborita, Justthinkin’?
[name]Hi[/name], [name]Ailsa[/name],
The Spanish form of [name]Lux[/name] is [name]Luz[/name]. Thanks for that, now we have [name]Luz[/name] on our list. It is pronounced like Loose and means “light”.
[name]Susan[/name] I love the ~ between the names. It feels very fitting.
[name]Alicia[/name] - I’ve heard this pronounced ah-lee-see-ah I love it!
[name]Catalina[/name] - this is sassy, very nice.
Novela - reminds me of a novella but that’s not a bad thing and [name]Nova[/name]. This is pretty.
[name]Beatriz[/name] - I’m really liking the “z” at the end.
[name]Arturo[/name] - this is nice.
[name]Enrique[/name] - is great.
Yeah, the ~ looks like a Mexican design, huh? [name]Love[/name] it! Or it looks like a tilda (sp?). I will keep adding names to my lists. I have some more kinds of lists in mind.