The name Bruce?

I am expecting a son very soon and my husband and I absolutely love the name [name_m]Bruce[/name_m]. We are a young couple so there are no real associations with the name other than [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] [name_m]Wayne[/name_m]/[name_m]Banner[/name_m] (Batman and Hulk) and even that doesn’t bother us too much.

We think it is a lovely classic name and would grow well with him (little [name_m]Brucie[/name_m] as a kid and [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] as an adult)
I am a bit worried because I noticed everyone we told the name to was taken aback and said it was a “bully’s” or “old man’s” name. Now I am rethinking the name and I am concerned my kid will hate it. I would just like some opinions because although my husband and I like the name my child will have to live with it in the world, and I would like to know what people think. Should it be demoted to a middle name?

I do like [name_m]Bruce[/name_m], I think it’s very usable and unexpected (in a good way).

I agree, I think [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] is a solid name.

I find [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] rather plain and a little dated but I don’t have any negative associations with this name.

[name_m]Bruce[/name_m] does feel a little rough round the edges but it also has some of the charm of [name_m]Hugo[/name_m], [name_m]Bruno[/name_m] and [name_u]Rhys[/name_u] mashed together. While it wouldn’t be my first choice, it’s a strong, solid name and there’s nothing wrong with it! I knew a [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] once who did ballet

To be honest, it does sound like a 45-60 year old man to me, though I do have an association from a middle-aged [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] in a video game. Still, it’d seem fresh to people once they met a baby [name_m]Bruce[/name_m].

I think [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] is a great name and I wouldn’t let other people’s thoughts and opinions keep you from choosing the name you and your partner want for your child! I plan on keeping my son’s name under lock and key until he’s born just because I don’t want other people’s opinions to impact my own!

Yes, [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] will be very unexpected on a new little baby, but it’s the kind of situation where you’ll bring the name back. Your friends and family may be uneasy about it in the very beginning, but as it grows on them it will be natural because they’ll get to know your son, and he’ll mold the name to himself. Once he has little friends of his own it will be a non-issue, as they’ll always have grown up with a little [name_m]Bruce[/name_m]/[name_m]Brucie[/name_m]/Bru.

My own child had a little girl named [name_f]Agnes[/name_f] in her nursery class (unheard of around here.) While it threw me for a loop, my kid didn’t think twice about it. For her it was as natural as every [name_f]Emily[/name_f], [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] and [name_f]Kate[/name_f].

If I’m being entirely honest I’d be quite shocked if I met a little [name_m]Bruce[/name_m]. I’m sure I’d get used to it but I just can’t imagine it on a baby. It’s such a baby boomer name to me, very much like names like [name_u]Glenn[/name_u], [name_m]Graham[/name_m], [name_m]Dennis[/name_m], [name_m]Roger[/name_m] and [name_u]Gary[/name_u]. Sorry, I don’t want to be negative about the name you’re considering for your child and it’s absolutely up to you and your husband only what you call him but the way I feel about it is probably what those who are giving you those responses feel. But who knows, it could be a name that comes back soon and you’re just ahead of the times!

[name_u]Love[/name_u] it. We’re planning on it for mn after a family member…in my earlier pregnancies I wasn’t as thrilled about the name, but I’ve come around to liking it more and more. It has a solid, simple manliness that’s appealing.

I do mostly know men who are ~60s with that name, but grew up with one who is probably 30 now, and he wore it well.

Also, I think the midcentury names are a rising trend, so [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] prob fits in there. [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t let naysayers get you down! Also, what little boy doesn’t want a name connected to a superhero??

I just got an account on here to say that I had a baby named [name_m]Bruce[/name_m]! The crazier part is that my water broke at the time you posted this! We didn’t tell anyone what we were naming the baby, and we didn’t even know if it was a boy or girl, but we had surprisingly great reactions to the name :slight_smile: We like [name_m]Robert[/name_m] the [name_m]Bruce[/name_m], [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] [name_u]Lee[/name_u], [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] the shark, and Batman… and not many other kids have the name.

I love it. I think it’s unexpected while still being familiar, and it’s a really strong name. Plus [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] nn [name_m]Brucie[/name_m] is adorable, and I don’t think the superhero associations hurt.