The one about user-names

I guess I do subconsciously think of usernames as name or word combinations to reflect myself. It hasn’t ever been a big deal to me to find my absolute favourite, but I do like something meaningful. Columbiacharm is actually inspired by my SO, his birthplace and a reflection of his charming personality and the way he completely swept me off my feet :).
Another one I have used is evestar or stareve, two of my favourite names put together, names that I feel fit me and that I’d use if I ever changed my own name.
I like a lot of the usernames listed. One I can think of that hasn’t been mentioned I don’t think is @lonestar. There was one I just saw this morning that I thought was so cool, but of course I forget it now!

My username is Irish for ‘redhaired girl’ and is pronounced ‘[name_f]Coleen[/name_f] Roo a’. I am both redhaired and Irish.

I think my username wasn’t mentioned (besides second one I created when I lost my login info with this, it’s desdemona), but I love redwoodfey’s, ottilie’s and luneth’s usernames, even though ottilie was proven fake, I still can’t shake the feeling she was at least partially honest…

I chose rayleemarie for my username because [name_f]Raylee[/name_f] (Along with [name_u]Stacey[/name_u]) was the first name I became obsessed with when I was in preschool. Although my style has changed alot since then the name [name_f]Raylee[/name_f] still holds a special place in my heart although I’ll likely never use it in real life. The [name_f]Marie[/name_f] is simply to honor my deceased grandmother.

If I could change my username, I’d probably do…

  • stariteller
  • giovanna
  • carpe_noctem
  • omnia
  • enigma

If I had to choose one of my combos to make as a favorite, I’d do…

solisal (for [name_m]Solomon[/name_m] [name_m]Isaac[/name_m] [name_m]Alexander[/name_m])

When I first joined NB I definitely didn’t realise the opportunity to come up with a great username. I just chose the end part of my first name, the end part of Nameberry and then stuck them together. Seeing all of the beautiful usernames on here all the time makes me feel a bit of regret for not choosing something cooler. I’m too lazy to start a new account though haha.

If I did change it, I’d probably choose one of these:
inkwells and wildflowers

@giaberry, wow, “inkwells and wildflowers” is beautiful!

Ahhh this is making me wish I’d put more thought into mine!!!

When I was younger I used to love making new accounts and thinking up new usernames - you could have pretty much anything you wanted!

As I got older though I started using @carysmarie as my name is [name_f]Carys[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f], haha ([name_f]Marie[/name_f] is my middle, not my last name.) In some places its @carysxmarie as believe it or not @carysmarie was taken.

It’s simple and easy, but I do miss the days of thinking up cool names though.

[name_m]How[/name_m] I wish I could choose mine again! cchgi literally means nothing. At all. It’s just a bunch of random letters that have no personal connection or meaning.

My favourite usernames are:
@daffodils and sunflowers

I’m usually drawn to usernames that are distinct names/nature words. The problem with these is that the majority are already taken! If I could, I would choose:

@cchgi ~ Aww, thank you so much! I’m so happy you like my username as much as I do! :slight_smile:

I love my username, I’m so super delighted with it! I adore flowers and have since I was very little, as they just make me so happy and remind me of the true beauty in the world. I feel like the best parts of the world are found in nature and flowers are a wonderful example of that. :slight_smile: Daffodils and sunflowers are both two of my very favourite flowers as they’re so bright and pretty.

This thread is lovely, I love reading about the backstories behind everyone’s usernames!

I give user names some thought, but then I get annoyed when all of the ones I try to use are gone…hence…my username :slight_smile:

@arietta-rose Thank you!

I didn’t put a lot of thought into my user name. I collected porcelain dolls as a kid and I’m obsessed with doing my broken doll makeup.

Why, thank you! And by the way, I love your naming style - simply gorg!

I honestly just used my actual first and middle names. I considered using other names that I really love or love together, but I figured I’d go ahead and use my name and save all the fun ones for creating combos/making suggestions.

I’ve always loved @thefairophelia 's username! Also:

my first & middle name was already registered as a user so I went to my name + what I’ve used online as a name for privacy/what I’d wanted my name to be. I don’t like the double A’s at the end of [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] [name_f]Callista[/name_f] or those names as a first and middle and since this is a naming website, it does frustrate me a bit! I didn’t think about it when I registered. I might change it if I could without losing any rapport.

I love a bunch of people’s usernames!

What does ottilie being fake mean? I’m asking for purely curiosity’s sake, I don’t understand how someone can be fake on a naming website? By being a troll?

Ha! Mine is from a Tube station too.

I don’t remember what my thought process was while I created this account… My username is literally just my first name. If I could, I’d love to change it to princess porcelain or aerismaven! That’s what I go by most of the time online, so long as it isn’t taken… lol.

I’ve used the same username everywhere for years and years, which I created when I became a [name_m]Pagan[/name_m]. merlynhawk is my alter ego really. But back 20 years ago I used a few other usernames, Rowanberry was one and since my now hubby went by [name_m]Fox[/name_m] a lot of the time I went by Vixen. One of the others was Moru (moh-ROO) which I used when I was being a little bit … naughty.

Nowadays I always go by plain old @merlynhawk

My username is one that I use most places…it’s one of my college mascots & a multiple of 9, which is my lucky number (& has popped up regularly in my life; my SSN adds up to 9, my birthdate adds up to 9, two of my car’s license plate numbers have added up to 9, etc.). I have an alter-ego name, but prefer not to use it online.