The ring gender prediction test

[name]Hi[/name] everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has used the old wives tale, the ring test to predict the gender of their baby, and if it was accurate?
My mother says that she has never seen it give the wrong gender, has anyone else experienced this?

Also, there seems to be two versions of the test. One over a pregnant belly to tell the gender of that baby, and one over a palm to tell of how many children and what genders… have these both/ either of these been correct for you?

We did the over-the-belly version where a gold ring on a string or hair swings in a circle if it’s a girl and back and forth like a pendulum if it’s a boy. I didn’t even agree to try this at first because I thought it was so dumb, but three of my friends had done it for multiple kids and had a 100% success rate. We weren’t going to find out so I just let my girlfriends do the test on me for fun, then we found out by accident and it turns out the ring test was correct. Who knows why, but in my world it seems to work for some reason!

I never did the ring gender predictor, but…

My friend is a firm believer in the chinese gender chart. She has used it for coworkers, family members, friends, friends of friends, etc! It’s been wrong once for all the people she’s done it on. ([name]Even[/name] looking back and seeing what the prediction was for children already here). It worked for me. It worked for my friends two kids as well. Of course, who knows if there’s actually anything to it, but it’s fun to see!