Welcome to the Solar System Gen CAF! The Sun and each planet in the solar system will have a “founding family” with specific name banks for each planet.
Age everyone up 10 years.
All single adults roll a [d6] for relationship.
A floater is someone not in the solar system.
1-3- single
4 - engaged to someone in the solar system (pair up however you please)
5 - married to floater
6 - married to someone in the solar system (pair up however you please)
Floater Details
Floaters only get a first and last name.
Floaters Names: Top Names Over the Last 100 Years (ssa.gov)
Floaters Last Names: 50 most common last names in America - al.com
Age: up to you
1-2- man
3-4- woman
5-6- non-binary
As far as coupling and last names, the planet closest to the sun has more “status,” and the future couple will take that planet’s surname (the Sun has the highest status).
For example, if someone from Venus marries someone from Mars, that couple would take Venus’ last name. The order of the planets matches the order of the planet name bank, for reference.
Roll a [d6] for each couple for children had in the past decade.
The youngest parent in each couple must be between 22-45.
1- 0 children
2- 1 child
3- 2 children
4- 3 children
5- 4 children
6- your pick!
Children Ages
1- newborn
2- 1
3- 2
4- 3
5- 4
6- 5
7- 6
8- 7
9- 8
10- 9
If a child of two founders/planet status holders:
Last Name: parent with highest status (closest planet to the sun)
First Name: either parent’s name bank
Middle Name: parent whose last name isn’t used name bank
If child of a floater and founder/planet status holder:
Last Name: founder/planet status holder’s last name.
First and Middle Name: planet parent’s name bank must be used for at least one of these names. An honor name from the floater parent can be used.
Naming Children example
For children with 2-planet lineage:
Alexis Cera of Venus & David Jones of Jupiter have a child.
Because Venus has higher status (is closer to the sun than Jupiter), the children’s last name will be Cera (as will the whole families).
The first name can be from either Venus or Jupiter’s name bank: Aphrodite, for example.
The middle name will be from the parent’s name bank whose last name isn’t used. Because we are using the Venus parent’s last name, we will use the Jupiter parent’s name bank: Lucky.
The child will be Aphrodite (after either of her parents) Lucky (after lesser status parent) Cera (after highest status parent).
For children with 3-planet lineage:
Aphrodite Cera of Venus and Jupiter, and Beatrix Gilles of Neptune have a child.
Because Venus has the highest status, the family last name will be Ceras.
The middle name will be from the highest status planet of the parent whose last name isn’t used (Neptune’s namebank): Cove
The first name will be from either planet’s name bank that hasn’t been used (Venus or Jupiter): Amor
The child will be Amor Cove Ceras.
For children with 4+ planet lineage:
Amor Cove Ceras of Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune, and Riley Theodora Hill of the Sun and Uranus have a kid.
Because the Sun has the highest status, the family last name will be Hill.
The middle name will be from the highest status planet who’s last name isn’t used (Venus): Aphrodite
The first name will be from either planet’s name bank not already used (the Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, or Neptune): Alma
The child will be Alma Aphrodite Hill.
Planet Name Bank
The Sun
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