The Teaser Game

“Your wife, she needs to be controlled.”
This was his moment, she just knew it. He didn’t need her there to jump to her defense (though, if he just looked up at the window, he’d probably see her), and he was going to support her always.
But he hadn’t said anything.
The other men looked at [name_m]Ford[/name_m] expectantly, waiting for an answer.
“You know [name_f]Isabel[/name_f], she’s a little unusual.”

Next: men

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It was deep enough into the night that the northern winds had dissipated any remnants of the day’s heat, so all of Da’s men were wrapped in cloaks the charcoal color of the sky. I didn’t see the point; stealth wasn’t exactly the easiest mode of criminal activity in the middle of a desert, but I supposed the dark colors would shield our identities if soldiers decided to patrol this area or some random archeologist put two and two together and figured out there was a tomb in this location.

Next: criminal

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in essence, I killed someone. today is the anniversary of my reflections death. it should be criminal for me to feel anything but sorrow.

next: kindness

She threw her hands wildly as he appeared in front of her like a mirage. Big dumb eyes. Big, dumb, kind, gentle, heart-wrenching, uncaring eyes.

Next: wild

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[name_m]Roderich[/name_m] took a peek inside the shoeboxes and looked at his little cousins in disbelief.

“What in the world possessed you imbeciles to bring home two wild animals?” he said, careful not to wake the animals up.

Next word: imbecile

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“Fools!” he shouted at his men. “Imbeciles! That’s not the princess!”

Next word: climb

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[name_f]Maddie[/name_f] gripped the rock face, her arm straining, palms wet with sweat. There was no way she could climb up the mountain like this.

next: rock

This is going to be the sixteenth tomb I’ve raided.
From the surface, it looks just like all the others my father has found in this stretch of the Phonenn desert: a random shaft carved out of crumbling rock that’s far too narrow for my liking.

Next: father

“His father happened, that’s what,” [name_m]Hermes[/name_m] angrily replied before Tahamine had a chance to do so.

“I’m not following,” [name_u]Donnie[/name_u] said. “What do you mean by ‘his father happened’?”

“Andy exacerbated Arslan’s condition,” Vahriz explained. Before he could continue, his cell rang. “Hello?”

Next word: exacerbate

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He trailed off as he found Cas’ gaze again. His eyes drifted to her hands, which [name_m]Cas[/name_m] immediately clenched, and he winced. Oh no, he didn’t get to backtrack from that. He was trying to make her hurt, and his gaping mouth fumbling for a way out only exacerbated the pain.

Next: fumble

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After some time, everyone’s stomachaches subsided enough to the point where the teens could resume their game. After she blew Alex’s character’s head off, [name_f]Laura[/name_f] got up and went to the kitchen to get herself and her friends some Cokes. Once she opened the fridge, she heard her cell ring and ran back to the living room, only to see that Bones had her phone.

“Hey, it’s your mom,” Bones said and swiped to answer.

“Shoot!” [name_f]Laura[/name_f] muttered, then fumbled with the phone after snatching it from her friend. “Uh, hi, Mom. Oh…okay. I-I’m fine; I’m just tired. See you soon. Bye.” After hanging up, she urgently addressed the others. “Guys, bad news. [name_f]My[/name_f] parents are coming home early. Their event wrapped up earlier than expected! We’ve gotta get rid of the evidence, or I’ll be grounded for a week!”

Next word: subside

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The storm soon subsided, and we continued our journey through Aravenn.
We stopped at the city orphanage and picked up a girl who looked about the same age as me and the other orphans [name_f]Lady[/name_f] Umbriel had chosen. She walked with an air of dignity, but she seemed gentle, kind-hearted, and humble rather than arrogant.
She reminded me of a willow, tall and slender, with black braids framing her face like gentle branches. Her soft, dark grey eyes stood out against her ebony skin, giving her an almost ethereal appearance. She looked out of place, as if she should be a noblewoman’s daughter, and certainly not a ragged orphan.

(sorry just had to put Cleo’s description in there; I’m so proud of it :grin:)

next word: appear

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“I know.” She appeared on the screen, peering over with a suspicious look. “Wait, how do you know?”

[name_f]Opal[/name_f] bit her lip. “You gave me access.”

“No, I didn’t.”

Next: access

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“There’s no numbers or call history on the phone,” I said, "so I was wondering if any of you know how to access that. She can’t get away with this.”

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btw, [name_f]Ellory[/name_f], if you haven’t played this game before, the rules are to put the quote from your WIP and then post a word for the next poster to use :blush: (if you just forgot that’s fine too)

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oh yeah, i forgot! :joy: thank you!

“There’s no numbers or call history on the phone,” I said, "so I was wondering if any of you know how to access that. She can’t get away with this.”

next: wonder

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"He’s got the whole world convinced that he’s the most wonderful being to exist. [name_m]Even[/name_m] the ones who don’t believe in him end up doing his will! He preaches honesty and openness, but he’s just a manipulator and a liar.” Satan paused as the demons gathered around the base of the stage cheered. She smiled down at them, running her hands through the purple flames that she had in place of hair. It was just for show, of course. She looked perfect, as always.

Next word: manipulate

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[name_f]Carole[/name_f] stopped for a moment, looking down at her phone, when she was suddenly overcome by a tsunami of rage. She wouldn’t let [name_m]Albert[/name_m] manipulate her daughter, not after what he had done to her. She smirked to herself; he would not be getting away with it this time.

Next: [name_f]Tsunami[/name_f]

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“I don’t know if she’d be in Elksburg,” he said. The gaiety faded and her question about [name_m]Cas[/name_m] flooded him again like a tsunami. “I was surprised to see her in Telvinn.”

Next: fade


For the first time since the incident, [name_f]Marina[/name_f] felt her anger fade as she looked at [name_m]Josh[/name_m]. She couldn’t forget, not yet, but maybe she could try and forgive.

Next: Forgive

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