See the results of this poll: Alice or Rose
Respondents: 55 (This poll is closed)
- Alice : 30 (55%)
- Rose: 25 (45%)
Respondents: 55 (This poll is closed)
I would never honor someone just to pass on at least one name from that part of the family. To me, this way it doesn’t even mean anyting anymore, it’s not really about the person. That said, I prefer [name]Alice[/name] over [name]Rose[/name]. [name]Just[/name] because I can see [name]Alice[/name] as a girly girl, as a tomboy, as a strong person or a quiet one. [name]Rose[/name] to me does only work for pretty, calm, nice girls. If you know what I mean, it’s just very “pretty”.
I agree that you shouldn’t name a child after someone just to use a name from that side. If your husband doesn’t want to use it, I wouldn’t. That said, I do like [name]Alice[/name] better. [name]Alice[/name] [name]Rose[/name] would be a nice name, though I think you mentioned the middle name (names?) were chosen. Maybe just use [name]Rose[/name] as a middle and pick a first name you and your husband can agree on.
I wanted to go with [name]Alice[/name] because [name]Matt[/name]'s mother meant everything to him. She was an amazing, strong, and wonderful woman and I want that for my daughter for her to have something of her grandmother with her. I never met my grandmother but I was given her name as my middle because my mother wanted me to be connected to her in some way and I wanted the same for my little girl.
I love [name]Rose[/name] and would probably choose it. And to do away with the idea that [name]Rose[/name] should be calm, sweet, and demure, check out [name]Doctor[/name] Who; his companion [name]Rose[/name] [name]Tyler[/name] is amazing and definitely a strong, intelligent, and capable woman with a backbone of steel and a heart of gold.
I prefer [name]Alice[/name] personally,but [name]Rose[/name] is lovely too.
I prefer [name]Rose[/name], but [name]Alice[/name] is a fine name too.
I’d go with [name]Rose[/name], your husband doesn’t want to honor so don’t honor his mother and respect his wishes and go with the name you really want to use
I love your inspiration for both [name]Alice[/name] and [name]Rose[/name]. Separately they are both wonderful solid names. However, as @jennipea382 suggested [name]Alice[/name] [name]Rose[/name] would be a wonderful combo. I actually read the names in succession together while I was trying to vote and was a little sad I couldn’t vote for the combo in general. Somehow [name]Alice[/name] [name]Rose[/name] renews the sparkle of the names. (It could also be a great mn combo. I sometimes feel that my mn’s work better own their own than as my full name and I kind of like it. I’m holding onto that thought should I ever be inspired to write a book or whatnot.)
I love both names. If I were to choose one, it would be [name]Rose[/name] - mainly because I have a character in my story named [name]Alice[/name]! And I just really like the name [name]Rose[/name]!
This is really hard for me as both are in my top 3! I guess if I had to choose I’d pick [name]Rose[/name], just because its a tad classier and less popular.
[name]ALICE[/name]!!! Defo. [name]Alice[/name] [name]Rose[/name] is nice though.
I would not use [name]Alice[/name] if your husband isn’t comfortable with it. If he doesn’t want his daughter named after his mother I don’t see why you should be pushing the point.
Anyway, I prefer [name]Rose[/name].
Is there a reason your husband doesn’t want to use his mother’s name? You said she “meant everything to him” so I assume that they got along so I’m not sure why he wouldn’t want to honor her. Does he just not like the name [name]Alice[/name]? Because if that’s the case, maybe you could use her middle name instead?
That’s true. He’s not not too excited about using [name]Alice[/name] and I am head over heals for [name]Rose[/name].
I would use [name]Alice[/name] [name]Rose[/name] but my name is [name]Ashley[/name] [name]Rose[/name] and I don’t want her to have to share my initials.
He doesn’t want to use it because he doesn’t like the idea of a complete namesake. I’ve tried looking at alternatives for [name]Alice[/name] i.e. [name]Adelaide[/name], [name]Adele[/name], [name]Adeline[/name] but can’t find the one that has the same feel as [name]Alice[/name]. Also her middle name is [name]Alice[/name]. Her first name is [name]Mary[/name].
Is there a particular reason you don’t want to share initials? If it’s the mail- you would be Mrs. Lastname and she would be Miss, no? At least that’s how it’d work in my area…
Or you can use two middle names.
By the way, I agree with PPs’ sentiments that though I prefer the sound of [name]Alice[/name], [name]Rose[/name] has more meaning to you than [name]Alice[/name] does to him and thus you should use [name]Rose[/name].
Well I took everyone’s advice and talked to hubby and I decided to respect his wishes and drop [name]Alice[/name]. I’ve since picked up [name]Anne[/name]. It means grace and Amazing [name]Grace[/name] is a song my grandmother loves and a song I sing to all my kids. Now on to middles. The ones I have on my signature won’t work. M doesn’t like them. LOL
What about [name]Roseanne[/name]? Its a bit old fashioned I’ll admit, but incorporates both names. [name]Rosie[/name] as a NN. Or [name]Roseanna[/name]?
My youngest sister has the middle name [name]Rose[/name] after our great-grandmother. When my mother announced it to her (my GG), she said, urgh why would you give her such a horrible name! haha so you can’t please everyone!