Oh no!!! [name]Every[/name] name’s popularity has sky-rocketed! There’s no more originality or spunk left in the name world! The only thing left to do is to randomly put together a new first and middle name using whatever’s around you. You can do a boy’s name, b/b, girl, g/g, or b/b if you want and you can use other languages. I know…it’s lame but I thought I’d give it a shot =]

I’ll start with…

Lampada Finistra (Lamp Window)

[name]Fleur[/name] [name]Lac[/name] (flower lake)

[name]Della[/name] [name]Wallace[/name] (the [name]Dell[/name] computer and the wall in front of me…)

[name]Penelope[/name] “[name]Penny[/name]” [name]Hazel[/name] (the pen in front of me & my hazelnut latte)

Ha, Ha, Ha!

Girl -
[name]Sarika[/name] (means parrot in Sanskrit - I have a picture on the wall with images of parrots made out of feathers. It was my grandpa’s.) [name]Carmel[/name] (pronounced car-[name]MEL[/name]) - I have two prints of paintings of [name]Carmel[/name], [name]CA[/name] in my room.


[name]Brogan[/name] (my shoes are on the floor) [name]Hawk[/name] (for the hawks that nest in the tall tree that I can see outside my window.)

[name]Sarika[/name] [name]Carmel[/name] and [name]Brogan[/name] [name]Hawk[/name]. Cool!

(from my calendar and picture frame) They both sound like boys to me.

[name]Calen[/name] Frahm

[name]Darius[/name] Pic

(from my picture album, computer monitor, coffee mug)

[name]Albie[/name] Comptor

[name]Fee[/name] [name]Tori[/name]

[name]Amandine[/name] [name]Pascale[/name] (I’m eating almonds, and there are still [name]Easter[/name] decorations up!)

[name]Bruno[/name] Koi (sitting on brown couch, next to a painting of a koi pond)

Pepsi Pillow

Pepsi Pillow

i [name]LOVE[/name] pepsi pillow!

[name]Jack[/name] Azzuro ([name]Jack[/name] from my Nightmare Before Xmas globe and Azzuro for blue)

[name]Sally[/name] [name]Fae[/name] (another Nightmare ref. plus a fairy statue)

[name]Tallie[/name] [name]Rose[/name]

(the TV and Roses choccys!)

Pepsi Pillow is the greatest!

Crayanne [name]Rose[/name] (crayons and a RoseArt thing)

Teaca Boxty (teacup cardboard box)

Vista Latte (vista for my dog, vista. latte for my caramel latte.)

Halo [name]Blade[/name] (video game and puppet master puppet)

[name]Peregrine[/name] [name]Fable[/name]: bottle of [name]Pellegrino[/name], book of [name]Aesop[/name]'s fables.

[name]Silver[/name] [name]Chase[/name] (silver tv and a chase lounge…or is it spelled chaise?)

[name]Flora[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] (floral dress & pearl necklace today!)

Stapel Corde
(Staple + [name]Cord[/name], sounds like a boys name!)