Hello everyone!
As some of you may know I let out a cry for help in October. My partner and I needed to find a name for our third daughter… and stat! Our first two girls are Ivy Alexandra and Sky Elizabeth and we had no idea what to name our third! SO many people helped us out, and I am incredibly grateful. We are very pleased to announce our third princess…
Wren Isabella
Born 7th November
6 pounds 4 oz
The name Wren was suggested to me so many times and my partner and I instantly fell in love with it. Her middle name Isabella was my grandma’s name and it just fits so perfectly with the name Wren. I still can’t believe we have THREE daughters, Ivy, Sky and Wren. Thank you so much everyone who helped us! Here is the link to my original post: Third daughter... Help!
[name_u]Wren[/name_u] [name_f]Isabella[/name_f] is so fresh and sweet and works so well with [name_u]Sky[/name_u] and [name_f]Ivy[/name_f]. Congratulations!