Recently I saw a girl on a show named [name]Lex[/name]. I made the assumption that it was a nn for [name]Alexandra[/name]/[name]Alexis[/name]/[name]Alexa[/name], but I guess it could have been a full name. Anyway, what do you think about it as a nn or full name for a girl. I’d probably go with [name]Alexandra[/name] nn [name]Lex[/name]. [name]Do[/name] you think it’s too masculine? Thanks!
I tend to prefer [name]Lexi[/name] for a girl and [name]Lex[/name] for a boy.
I like [name]Lex[/name]. I have an [name]Alexander[/name], and now that he’s 7 and feels that [name]Aly[/name] is a “girl name” (complete with eye roll), I’ve moved on to calling him [name]Lex[/name]. And [name]Dex[/name], and Hex, and [name]Rex[/name]. The last one I really love …
Anyhow, I might go with [name]Alexine[/name] or [name]Alexa[/name] on the birth certificate, or maybe [name]Axelle[/name] - though that’s a stretch for [name]Lex[/name], I guess. Ooh, or Elixane.
I like [name]Lux[/name] for a girl, too - no formal name required!
I agree with the votes for [name]Lexi[/name] instead. Good luck!
I have to admit I love [name]Lex[/name] for a boy so seeing it on a girl (despite [name]Lux[/name] and [name]Lexi[/name]) seems a bit odd to me. I think it could honestly go either way, though, since both genders have -lex- inspired names. I would use it as a nn, though–I like the option of [name]Lexina[/name]/[name]Alexine[/name] or [name]Alexandrie[/name], nn [name]Lex/name…
Good luck!
I like [name]Lex[/name], but it much prefer [name]Lexa[/name]. [name]Lexia[/name] is nicer to me too.
If I named my daughter [name]Alexia[/name], then I’d use the nn [name]Lexia[/name]/[name]Lexa[/name] most often.
I like unisex nn for girl so I vote yes for [name]Lex[/name].
I like [name]Alexia[/name]/[name]Alessia[/name]/[name]Alexis[/name].
If my daughter is [name]Alexia[/name], I think I will use both [name]Lex[/name] and [name]Lexi[/name] as nicknames. Like, maybe I’ll call her [name]Lexi[/name] but sometimes [name]Lex[/name] for one syllable shorthened nn.
Did you see that on The Voice? If so, I saw that as well. I love it for a girl and I don’t think it sounds masculine. I’m actually naming my soon to be daughter [name]Lux[/name] and my mom doesn’t like it but she liked [name]Lex[/name] from that show. I’m still sticking with [name]Lux[/name] but I definitely like [name]Lex[/name] for a girl! People were telling my that [name]Lux[/name] sounded masculine too, but just stick with your gut and do what you want despite other peoples opinions. If I have anymore children, I’m not telling anyone the name until it’s too late for them to critisize!
Yes, I saw it on The Voice! I think it’s very cool and fresh. Congrats on your dd and deciding on her name. I agree about not sharing the name beforehand. Thanks so much for your input!
[name]Alex[/name] is the most common nickname for [name]Alexander[/name]/[name]Alexandra[/name], so I don’t see why [name]Lex[/name] couldn’t be used for both either. I actually like [name]Lex[/name] as a nickname for [name]Alexis[/name] or [name]Alexandria[/name]. It feels feminine enough to me, and it’s a nickname. I was going to mention [name]Lux[/name] too, such a pretty name.
my grandfather’s full name was [name]Lex[/name] and that’s the reason i’ve had [name]Alexandria[/name] nn [name]Lexie[/name] chosen as my future daughters name since i was 12 (I’m 21 now). I prefer [name]Lexie[/name] but no doubt will i further shorten [name]Lexie[/name] to [name]Lex[/name] anyway so I think it’s great for a girl as well as a boy!