Thoughts on Amelia?

What do you all think of [name]Amelia[/name]? I know it’s pretty popular but I really like it. Any input would be appreciated.

I love [name]Amelia[/name]. One of my favourite names.

I also really like [name]Amelia[/name]. It has a very appealing sound, is lovely written down and I think works for a child and adult.

great name, but becoming more popular… :slight_smile:

I can tell you that she will get sick of the whole Bedilia thing before she reaches kindergarten. As in “Good morning Bedilia.” “Bedilia, what did you bring for lunch?” or “Bedilia, don’t forget to fill out your timecard.” In the same vein I’ve also been called [name]Ophelia[/name] a lot. I get called either [name]Emily[/name] or [name]Amanda[/name] on a daily basis. (Having been born in the eighties it’s understandable, though annoying; your daughter might not have this problem since there are a few more of us these days, though she may be mistaken for [name]Emma[/name] or [name]Alana[/name].) I have yet to meet a little [name]Amelia[/name], so in my view, it is still not a very popular name. I do like my name. I was supposed to be [name]Emmy[/name], after my great grandmother, and I always thought that if I were [name]Emilia[/name], [name]Emmy[/name] would be a nice nickname option, so [name]Emilia[/name] is good choice too, and slightly less popular, though there are a lot of Emilys and Emmas running around the playground. I like my name, and I prefer to be called by my full name; I personally can’t stand [name]Aimee[/name] or [name]Mia[/name], though I do think [name]Lia[/name] or [name]Emmy[/name] are nice options if you are into nicknames. I generally recommend [name]Amelia[/name] over all. There is a website (maybe someone knows the name) where other people with the names you are looking at make comments about their likes/dislikes of their own name, so you don’t have to take my word for it!


I love the name…we had it on our list for our daughter, and eventually went with a name related to it. There are some wonderful Amelias out there - [name]Earhart[/name] comes to mind.


I think it’s beautiful, and becoming too popular for me to ever consider using it. However, I love the nickname [name]Millie[/name], but I’ve heard that’s rather popular too (at least across the pond). I guess you just have to ask yourself whether the popularity aspect of it bothers that much to cross it off your list. Otherwise, it’s a lovely name.

I love it …but concerned it will be the next [name]Sophia[/name] or [name]Olivia[/name] ):

Thank you all for the replies. I love the name but I am still concerned about the popularity. Any middle name suggestions?

I think that [name]Amalia[/name] is okay. I think that [name]Amelia[/name] has more energy, and because of that is more memorable. [name]Amelia[/name] definitely is rising in popularity, but for some reason I do not see it becoming as popular as [name]Olivia[/name] or [name]Sophia[/name]. Perhaps that is wishful thinking, but It went from 84 to 83 to 77 to 68 its current position at 55, so it’s not jumping by leaps and bounds as far as I’m concerned. There were 2 other Amelias in my (very large) high school, despite it being a less popular name for my age group than it is today, and I have yet to meet a little [name]Amelia[/name], so it might just depend on where you live. I have never met another [name]Amelia[/name] besides those two, and I like that. I do recommend the name. I think that [name]Amalia[/name] might be a nice alternative, though I think I like the French [name]Amelie[/name] better. [name]Emeline[/name] is also a personal favorite that could work.
I hope this helps.


[name]Love[/name] it <3

I think it has a very pretty sound to it, but I personally can’t get past the [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Bedelia[/name] reference. I don’t even know if those books are still in print but it is my only frame of reference for that name. If they are not, then maybe most people won’t know that reference.

It does have a pretty sound, that is my only issue with it… and it is rising in popularity.

when i hear amalia i think of somalia…
