Thoughts on Baker for a boy

What are thoughts on [name_u]Baker[/name_u] for our baby boy? Our last name is 3 syllables and starts with a B also. The two sound so good together. I love same letter first/last names!

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Not my favourite, but I like it ok.

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i love baker! :pancakes:

he’s so sweet and southern. i love alliteration too!

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I want to like it but as soon as I saw it my mind went to baker as an occupation rather than the surname, although this may only be me as Baker is a well known last name. I would prefer it in the middle spot but also more suggestions,….



I love the alliteration, and [name_u]Baker[/name_u] actually first makes me think of [name_m]Sherlock[/name_m] [name_m]Holmes[/name_m]. I like it!


[name_u]Baker[/name_u] has a nice, yeasty, creative connection.

I absolutely love it! It’s familiar but uncommon. I’m also a big fan of alliterative first and last names. Of course, he would probably get people asking him for cookies! But it’s a really warm and cozy connotation and a great sound.



[name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_u]Baker[/name_u]! It’s a great unisex option! I think it would be so sweet on a little girl too!

Surprisingly nice! There are lots of other occupation/last name sounding names, but I haven’t heard this one! Interesting and new without feeling too out there. Very pleasant associations.

[name_u]Baker[/name_u] is pretty sweet and cool

Not my favourite I strangely find this word name too literal I personally wouldn’t want to called [name_u]Baker[/name_u] especially if I was the chubby side I can literally see the jokes!

The alliteration with the last name is definitely appealing but this is one of those word names that is too literal for me. I see someone already suggested [name_m]Booker[/name_m], which I wanted to suggest as well. It has the same occupational vibes but a bit less literal.

It’s cool and energetic with an old school charm, and I can see it sounding fabulous with a 3-syllable B surname: [name_u]Baker[/name_u] [name_u]Bellamy[/name_u], [name_u]Baker[/name_u] [name_m]Buchanan[/name_m], [name_u]Baker[/name_u] Belinsky… :+1:

Trending upwards due to [name_u]Baker[/name_u] Mayfield lately, though I don’t see it hitting Top 10 or anything close.

I definitely think of [name_u]Baker[/name_u] Mayfield but its cute!

I just can’t see it as a name. Boone, Basil and Briar could be fun alternatives!

I really like [name_u]Baker[/name_u]!
(And I GP over first name last name same first initial!!!)

I like [name_u]Baker[/name_u]! It fits a lot of the trends in the US Southeast (uncommon B names + surnames) but I haven’t met one yet - I have seen two different people say that they considered it, so I think you could be ahead of the trends and get some positive feedback.

I love [name_u]Baker[/name_u]! It’s very sweet and handsome.