Hello I need some help. My dads nickname was Chig his entire life, and I love the idea of naming my son after him but is Chig a little too far fetched or is it alright? I only see it as a name because everyone called him that, but i also feel like my son would have to be really cool to pull it off… Any thoughts/concerns would be so helpful!! Thanks!
I would use it as a nickname personally. Pick a name that starts with Ch- and a middle name that starts with G, and there you go! Or just use it in the middle name spot.
For some reason, it sounds like a derogatory slur of some kind to me. For that reason, I definitely would never consider it as a name.
Maybe it’s just me, but I would definitely only use it as a nickname.
My first thought…
Which are itchy little bugs that cling to your socks in the summer in the grass in Illinois. Sorry.