Lately, I’ve really been liking the name [name]Esther[/name]. What do you think of this name? I like old-fashioned names that put off a sweet, charming image. [name]Do[/name] you think [name]Esther[/name] does that? Also, if you have any middle name suggestions, that would be great!
I like its sweet lispy style. When I think of [name]Queen[/name] [name]Esther[/name] in the Bible I think of a strong and courageous woman. I think that this is a keeper.
I love [name]Esther[/name] and the nn Estée! I think it’s a really great bible role model. I’d definitely consider it for a little girl. I’d pair it with a noun name, something a little fun - [name]Esther[/name] [name]Marigold[/name], [name]Esther[/name] [name]Violet[/name], or [name]Esther[/name] [name]Scarlet[/name]. I clearly haven’t thought it through that much…
I like [name]Esther[/name], especially the biblical connection I have always liked the idea of using [name]Esther[/name] with the nn [name]Stella[/name], since it is a variant of [name]Esther[/name] I think I can get away with it lol.
[name]Esther[/name] is a common name here in the Netherlands and that is why it has lost it’s charm for me to use it. Especially because of the certain types that carry this name. Anyway. I do love [name]Esta[/name], Estha, Estée and as mentioned above the name [name]Stella[/name]. But if I wouldn’t have lived in [name]Holland[/name] I would definitely have considered this name!
At the moment one of my favorite combo’s is [name]Esta[/name] Viviennne but [name]Esther[/name] [name]Vivienne[/name] would be just as lovely.
[name]Esther[/name] is great. It does sound a little serious so I would pair it with something fun too…like [name]Esther[/name] [name]Rose[/name] or [name]Esther[/name] [name]Ray[/name] (of sunshine)
[name]Esther[/name] Devine…(ok maybe not…) but something whimsical is nice…
I quite like it. The Biblical figure is amazing, and a variant of this name was my grandma’s middles. In addition to seeing appeal in star nn’s [name]Estee[/name] and [name]Stella[/name] that pps suggested, I can also see [name]Essie[/name] and [name]Tara[/name]/[name]Tera[/name] (from the last 3 letters, plus it also means star in, I think, Urdu?).
To be balanced, it does feel a little old and fusty, but that is coming in, so I wouldn’t worry too much. It rhymes with some unfortunate words, but I don’t think most people pick up on that.
Overall I think you should really consider it, I’d love to meet more little girl Esthers. It is on my long list, more as a middle, not necessarily because of the name itself but because that was where it was used in the family.
I think it’s beautiful and it does have a certain seriousness that would pair well with a more lighthearted mn. I think it would be lovely with a nature name ([name]Wren[/name], [name]Lark[/name], [name]Robin[/name], [name]Violet[/name], [name]Pearl[/name], ect) especially if it was something that has special meaning to you.