Thoughts on Foxglove

I was going through a list of flower names for girls and one that stood out from the rest is [name_f] Foxglove [/name_f] which I haven’t come across before for naming a person. I like that it is not as popular and used as other flowerdy names. It sounds strong, beautiful and delicate all at once.

Have you ever came across this name and is it usable? What are your thoughts on the name, good or bad? Has anyone used this name. Thank you for your opinions.

Never come across it as a legitimate first name and I wouldn’t use it. It sounds like a word and not a name, in my opinion. I also don’t like the ‘glove’ part, I don’t find that aurally pleasing. Sorry!

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That is fair and same I only came across it this once going through names on nameberry but never seen it used.

I have a fantasy character named [name_m]Foxglove[/name_m], so obviously I like it a lot, haha. But I’m not sure how I feel about it as a name for a real person, to be honest. It would be a bold and distinctive choice for sure, but perhaps a little hard to wear?

Theoretically, [name_m]Foxglove[/name_m] is pretty, with cottagecore vibes and unexpectedness and it does feel delicate and beautiful! As a first name for a real life child, however, I’m not 100% sure. [name_m]Fox[/name_m] is cute, but not sure I’d love having “glove” in my name. As a middle, or just for your collection etc. I think it would be charming

I’ve never seen [name_m]Foxglove[/name_m] before! I can see the appeal, but it feels almost 100% GP to me!

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