Hello! I’m planning on changing my middle name, and [name_m]Jehan[/name_m] (zhay-awn) has been basically my only pick. Despite my love for it and the [name_u]Les[/name_u] Misérables character of the same name, I’m unsure about actually using it.
Part of me would love to go by [name_m]Jehan[/name_m], but people couldn’t pronounce it. I’ve thought of choosing a different name, but I always return to [name_m]Jehan[/name_m].
In short, opinions are welcome and appreciated!
If it’s only going to be your middle name I think it’s fine. But if you were to go by it I think it would get mispronounced a lot. I think [name_u]Jean[/name_u] (zhawn, not jeen) would be less of a hassle.
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Jehan is interesting but i do think it would get mispronounced outside of [name_f]France[/name_f]
You’ll definitely run into some pronunciation issues but if it’s the one you keep coming back to I think you should use it!
I agree with everyone else. You will probably have pronunciation problems, but if it feels like your name, use it!
This is one where I knew from looking at it that it wasn’t pronounced the way I was going to say it lol. No matter how I said it, it would be wrong.
I think it would make a stunning middle name though!