Thoughts On Luscinia


Pronounced LOO-SIN-NEE-YUH or LOO-SEEN-YUH, it’s a name derived from the genus consisting of small and passarine birds (nightingales).

I found this name yesterday and I was HOOKED. All the more was I sold when the name started with an L, had ties to a type of bird, and came with a cute nickname “[name_f]Lucy[/name_f]”.

I have three questions regarding the name.

What do you think of this sibset:

[name_f]Linnette[/name_f] nn [name_f]Linnie[/name_f]
Laraline nn [name_f]Lara[/name_f]
Luscinia nn [name_f]Lucy[/name_f]

Which pronunciation do you prefer?


What do you think of the name as a whole?

I know this name isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I’d love to hear what you guys think.

  • I’m not usually one for all names in a sibset having the same initial letter, but I think all three are different enough otherwise to work well together. I like that they have the same number of letters, and are unusual but familiar.

  • Loo-SIN-ee-uh is how I’d instinctively say it, and I think that’s the best sound.

  • I like it. I’ve never come across it before, and it’s not popular, which is a big plus for me, and it’s easy to say and sounds familiar. I can see some spelling issues, but nothing that can’t be solved with practice and greater familiarity.


These names aren’t my style, but I like that they have nicknames.

What do you think of this sibset?
Like a pp said, I’m not a huge fan of sibling names that sound very much alike, but the three names are usable in a sibset. [name_f]Linnie[/name_f] and [name_f]Lucy[/name_f] could get mixed up though, would you consider [name_f]Lucia[/name_f]?

Which pronunciation do you prefer?
Out of these two I prefer LOO-SIN-NEE-YUH but my favorite (and what I’d assume the name was pronounced like) is loo-SEEN-nee-ah

What do you think of the name as a whole?
I have the similar [name_f]Lucienne[/name_f] in my signature, so obviously I like how Luscinia sounds. It has cute nicknames and it’s unique and feminine but not too frilly. I’m into it!