I came across the name [name]Pascal[/name] yesterday and I can’t stop thinking about it. I think I even had a dream about using it! I told [name]Theo[/name] about it and he doesn’t seem to mind it.
If I can come to terms with a few things then I will put it on the first name list.
See, I asked my friend what she thought of it and she said it sounds feminine…does it? I’m having trouble getting past that, and the fact that [name]Pascal[/name] means [name]Easter[/name]. I won’t be having my son anywhere near [name]Easter[/name] so if I used it would it be ridiculous?
I am considering using it, but I am due around [name]Easter[/name], otherwise I wouldn’t. I don’t think it sounds feminine, and [name]Ive[/name] had only positive feedback from those I’ve mentioned it verbally to.
There was briefly a [name]Pascal[/name] in a class of mine. He was around his early to mid 20’s but he enjoyed his name and he was never one of 2-4 kids in his class.
I think even if you aren’t due near [name]Easter[/name] it would be okay as most people don’t know what it means. If you like it, use it.
I like [name]Pascal[/name]; it does have the [name]Easter[/name] association but some people also think of the French scientist [name]Blaise[/name] [name]Pascal[/name], after whom a unit of measurement for measuring pressure was named.
I don’t think it sounds feminine, although the feminine form, [name]Pascale[/name], is pronounced exactly like the masculine form.
I love it! I was actually thinking about using it for my second son too. [name]Blaise[/name] [name]Pascal[/name] was an amazing scientist & philosopher, so there’s a great namesake that doesn’t have anything to do with [name]Easter[/name]. I like it with no nickname, but you could also nickname him [name]Cal[/name].
I think [name]Pascal[/name] is nice. It has other versions, like [name]Pasquale[/name], as well. Also, it’s a computer language - one of the first I learned
[name]Pascal[/name] isn’t uncommon where I live. My friend’s hubby is named [name]Pascal[/name] actually. I also went to high school with a girl named [name]Pascale[/name], which is the feminine version. I don’t consider [name]Pascal[/name] to be feminine, but it is not overly masculine sounding either.
I love the Spanish version, [name]Pascual[/name]. As a kid I was intrigued by the kids’ names in that comic strip “[name]Rose[/name] is [name]Rose[/name]”: [name]Pasquale[/name] and [name]Clem[/name] (short for [name]Clemente[/name]?).
I love [name]Pascal[/name]! Know a very cute little boy with the name. I was considering it for a time, and really really love the nickname [name]Pace[/name].
My first reaction when I saw this thread was “Oh, wow – there’s a great name!” What’s great about this name is that it’s familiar enough to not be problematic in terms of spelling but unique without being too ethnic in a way that would be weird if someone without that ethnicity used it … if that makes sense. Though it has never occurred to me before now, I really love this name! And I don’t understand why someone would say it’s feminine … I can’t find anything about it that sounds feminine.
Also, I’m Catholic and despite being very familiar with the pascal season, I have never made the connection between that and this name, and even now that you mentioned it, I still won’t. They are totally separate in my mind – maybe because they are pronounced so differently? [name]Pascal[/name] (as it relates to [name]Easter[/name]) is pronounced PASS-kuhl, but I pronounce [name]Pascal[/name] (the boy’s name) pass-[name]KAL[/name]. Not sure if I described those prn well, but regardless, I would never have made that connection and I think the majority of people would never make that connection, so it would not be weird at all if you didn’t give birth around [name]Easter[/name].
I like [name]Pascal[/name] a lot. I think of [name]Blaise[/name] [name]Pascal[/name] right away so it’s clearly masculine to me. The female version is [name]Pascale[/name]. [name]Noel[/name]/[name]Noelle[/name] is becoming more popular so I think that [name]Pascal[/name] deserves a revival as well.
My granddad’s name was somewhat related, [name]Pesach[/name], so I looked at these as possible variants. My favourite is [name]Pasco[/name] or [name]Pascoe[/name].
Maybe I’m the only one, but in light of the fairly recent movie Tangled the name brings me, and possibly other young children, the image of [name]Rapunzel[/name]'s pet chameleon of the same name.
Thanks for the feedback berries! I’m happy to see that no one sees it as feminine or thinks it would be weird because of Easter! I think this thread has made me a bit more comfortable with the idea of Pascal.
@believetheway- oh, I completely forgot about Tangled! I don’t really think that is a negative association though. I can’t imagine people remembering that character too much.
I love [name]Pascal[/name], I think it’s very handsome. It doesn’t sound remotely feminine to me. As for the [name]Easter[/name] meaning, I think the whole idea of resurrection and faith holds significance in the name, which makes it extra special.
I love it. It’s strong and striking. [name]Blaise[/name] [name]Pascal[/name] is an excellent namesake, and if [name]Easter[/name] itself holds any significance for you you can always claim that meaning. It was traditionally given to children born in the paschal season, sure, but there’s no requirement that one do so. [name]Noelle[/name] in particular (girls form) has a wide usage outside [name]Christmas[/name].