Does this name sound too harsh or does it sound more exotic and sophisticated?
I think it’s beautiful and soft, not harsh at all. My only hesitation with this name is that her story in Greek mythology is so sad and gruesome, I could never use it.
I like it; I personally do not know the myth, though. I love the nn [name]Fay[/name], and this is my favorite way to get it.
I actually really dig it. I don’t know if I would ever end up using it personally, but it’s very nice.
It sounds too exotic, too sultry. It leaves and unsavoury taste in my mouth.
What is her story?
The story…
[name]Phaedra[/name] was married to [name]Theseus[/name], stepmother to Hippolytus. [name]Aphrodite[/name] was angry with Hippolytus for not worshiping her (he was chaste and worshiped [name]Artemis[/name]), so she cursed [name]Phaedra[/name] to fall in love with him. When he refused her, [name]Phaedra[/name] killed herself, but left a note saying she committed suicide because Hippolytus raped her. Then [name]Theseus[/name] cursed his son, and that led to his death. Nice, no?
I see what you mean about being hesitant to use that name now, lol
I knew one [name]Phaedra[/name], and she was really quirky, funky, strange, exuberant, bubbly, likable, and cool, so that’s how I see the name now. It’s not my favourite, as it sounds like a weight loss drug, but it’s not awful, and I think the right person could really pull it off and bring out its beauty.
The first time I heard that name was in the 60’s when [name]Nancy[/name] Sinatra did a duet with some guy …“and [name]Phaedra[/name] was her name.” it was a typical weird 60’s pseudo hippie song. [name]Nancy[/name] Sinatra…haha what a hippie! I didn’t hear it again until the knucklehead “everybody knows” from Real Housewives of [name]Atlanta[/name] joined the cast with her husband “[name]Apollo[/name].” Yeah…that’s a coincidence. So, no, I really don’t like the name. Unless you are of Greek origin, I think it’s cheesy.
I love the name [name]Phaedra[/name] and have since I was 12 and met someone with the name. I held on to it for 23 years and this last [name]May[/name] named my first child [name]Phaedra[/name]. I think it fits my daughter well, I love Phae as a nn and everyone compliments us on the name all the time. I couldn’t be happier with the name.
I think [name]Phaedra[/name] is gorgeous! I’ve always really liked the sound of [name]Faye[/name], and I think [name]Phaedra[/name] is a great extension. It’s one I’d definitely consider.
thank you for the opinions everyone!
I would absolutely flip if I met a [name]Phaedra[/name] [name]IRL[/name]. (Compliments, jackilugg) [name]LOVE[/name] IT! I don’t have a problem with sad stories. [name]Persephone[/name]? [name]Pandora[/name]? [name]Ophelia[/name]? [name]Juliet[/name]?? I love all these names. [name]Phaedra[/name] is a really great name.
I love the name [name_f]Phaedra[/name_f]. It’s top of my list for girls. My sons name is [name_m]Xander[/name_m] and when I was thinking of a sib set name that went well with his name this caught my attention. ([name_m]Both[/name_m] Greek origin both have silent first letters that sound like another letter x=z and ph=f)
And as for the sad story I agree with an earlier post that said other beautiful names have very sad stories attached such as [name_f]Juliette[/name_f] for example. I wouldn’t let that sway you too much. There are a lot of great names out there with bad meanings.
To me it sounds soft and beautiful.
I did just post on the pronunciation as well. It is listed all over as [name_u]FEE[/name_u]-drah but most people agree it should be pronounced [name_f]FAY[/name_f]-drah.
I adore [name_f]Phaedra[/name_f], I love the nn Phae, and even the meaning is lovely. It got pushed into mn territory for me (but for my fave girls name), but it’s a beautiful name.
I really like the name, [name_f]Phaedra[/name_f] has a nice ring to it. Though I do dislike the association.
Honestly, the first time I heard it was on [name_f]Peaches[/name_f] Geldof’s son. She gave both her boys traditionally rare female names.