Thoughts on Roman?

What do you picture with a boy named [name]Roman[/name]? I actually think the nn [name]Romeo[/name] is pretty sweet, but not sure how it will be perceived. Thoughts on this name?? Thanks1

I love the name [name]Roman[/name]. I would name my son [name]Roman[/name] if a cousin of mine hadn’t already used it for his son. I’d still use it as a mn.
I feel like [name]Roman[/name] is strong and cool and manly, as well intelligent.

I think its a nice name, very strong and warrior-like. [name]Rome[/name] is also a potential nn(:

[name]Love[/name] love love love :slight_smile:

My husband and I had [name]Roman[/name] on our short list. It was never our number one but we both like it a lot. Now my best friend is having her second child and they selected [name]Roman[/name] [name]Hollis[/name] ([name]Hollis[/name] is the DH’s middle name) for a boy. Then they find out they’re having a girl. Now they don’t know what to name her. But the point is, [name]Roman[/name] is an awesome name and you aren’t the only one to think so!!! :slight_smile:

I had a little boy named [name]Roman[/name] in my class he was half Caucasian half Hispanic. He was so precious, dark hair and dark eyes. Most of the kids called him [name]Rome[/name] for short, he has made me fond of the name :slight_smile:

I also had this name on a very short list. I think what steered me away from it is I started to see it as a more serious kind of name than what I was looking for. I do really like [name]Rome[/name] or [name]Romy[/name] as nicknames for a little boy though. On an adult I think [name]Roman[/name] is a distinguished name.

I love the name [name]Roman[/name], my 2 year old son is named [name]Roman[/name] [name]Zachary[/name] ([name]Zachary[/name] is his dad’s name). :smiley:

[name]Roman[/name] is such a strong masculine name! I love it! I have recently been considering it but my bf sees it as a word not a name. I’m going to try and convince him though! :slight_smile:

[name]Love[/name] love love that name! My brother name is [name]Roman[/name] [name]Leo[/name], so I can’t use it! It’s a very sweet but strong name!! :slight_smile:

I love [name]Roman[/name]! It was on my list for a boy when I was expecting my son last year. I think it is such a strong name that ages really well.

I like it. Would [name]Roman[/name] Polanski be seen as a negative?

The name [name]Roman[/name] is a wonderful, handsome, strong and masculine name. This is my name and I love it. If I had a son I would name him [name]Roman[/name].

My head jumped immediately to [name]Roman[/name] Polanski…then to [name]Roman[/name] Zolanski, [name]Nicki[/name] Minaj’s alter ego… lol. I love the nicknames [name]Romeo[/name]/[name]Romy[/name]. [name]Roman[/name] would definitely be a strong, destinctive name; that said, i think [name]Ramon[/name] is infinitely more appealing!

I love [name]Roman[/name] but I could not ever use it due to an association that cannot be ignored. :frowning:

A [name]Roman[/name] is someone who comes from [name]Rome[/name]. I can’t see it as a name. To me it’d be like naming someone Liverpudlian or Mancunian (someone from Liverpool or Manchester).

I adore [name]Roman[/name], I think its a fabulous name.