Thoughts on Rua?

I don’t know if Rua is on nameberry data, but I’ve recently discovered it while looking through Korean baby girl names top 1000 from 2000 to 2017. It’s not a common Korean name, so I had trouble looking for the meaning, and one said it means "crystal star (not so sure if it’s believable, but I love it). It also looked like a Japanese name to me and the Internet said it means “color of moon” in Japanese.

Does anyone know the meaning/origin of Rua other than Korean and Japanese? What are your basic thoughts about the name Rua? Also… I have Rua [name_f]Arianwen[/name_f] as a combo but still unsure, any suggestions?

Thanks berries!

Bumping up the thread :slight_smile:

I don’t actually know anything about the name Rua and haven’t heard it before, but at first sight it looks like it could be Maori because of its similarity to words like Rotorua, the name of a place in [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealand.

Sounds pretty.
To me it sounds like it’s short for something else.

I haven’t heard it before but I think it’s pretty and definitely useable.

I like it! Especially if it’s important to you to have a Korean name I think this one works really well in English too.

“The color of the moon” and “crystal star” are eerily beautiful meanings. If I encountered a Rua, I’d definitely think it’s cute, but I’d wonder if it’s short for something. Then again, I have no experience with Korean names.

Rua is also an Irish boys name, meaning red. Sometimes a nickname for [name_m]Ruairidh[/name_m] / [name_m]Ruairi[/name_m], sometimes as a standalone name. It’s one of my favourites for a boy! The sounds are so cute

Rua means “two” in Maori , [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealand

This is the context in which I’ve heard it used, too.

I haven’t got any insights to add, but it’s pretty! It reminds me of Lua — the [name_m]Roman[/name_m] goddess to whom captures weapons were sacrificed, and Portuguese for “moon”.

I also know a little Runa (Nordic name).

Rua [name_f]Arianwen[/name_f] is truly stunning! I really love [name_f]Arianwen[/name_f].

I assumed it was a more intuitive spelling of Ruach which means ‘wind’ or ‘spirit’ e.g. Ruach HaKodesh is usually the term in Hebrew for divine inspiration. In Christianity I’ve seen it used as a term for the Holy [name_f]Spirit[/name_f], but don’t quote me on that because I’m not 100%. I know it best for being used to describe team spirit/energy on summer camps ('We’ve got the Ruach, yes we do! We’ve got the Ruach, how ‘bout you?!’ was a common team chant in my youth).
In Hebrew the ‘ch’ ending would be guttural, but in general I’ve heard people just say it as Roo-ah not Roo-ach.
So to me, Rua looks like the slightly-easier-to-say Hebrew for [name_f]Spirit[/name_f]. I love how it sounds.

[name_f]My[/name_f] name is [name_m]Rua[/name_m] and it’s actually an arabic name. It means something like vision or dreams. I didn’t know that the name is also a korean, Japanese, maori or irish name.