Ok DH and I are desparately trying to find another boy name that we both love. Our LO’s name is [name]Conrad[/name] and we want something that flows with that for our second baby boy. A name that is equally manly and tough sounding. I’ve landed on Ruger ([name]Rue[/name]-grr). I haven’t really been able to find a meaning which is something that’s really important to me but I’d rather there be no meaning than a bad one. Is it too tough? Too out there?
PS.For those of you who know that it is a gun brand just know that that isn’t a concern for me and any anti-gun comments will be ignored. =)
If you don’t like it…any other suggestions??? It has to go with [name]Thomas[/name]. Middle or First name it doesn’t matter.
I wasn’t sure if it was [name]Rue[/name]-grr, RUG-err, or if it rhymes with [name]Sugar[/name]. I agree that it does flow well with your last name, but I just worry that you (and eventually he) will spend a lot of time clarifying pronunciation with people. If that doesn’t bother you, then you should go for it. It’s certainly different (I’d never heard the name before), but it’s not too out-there.
Either way, here are some other names you might like:
…I tried to come up with a few names with similar sounds as Ruger, and I listed the meanings when I thought they were significant enough. I hope this helps a little!
It’s [name]Rue[/name]-grr and I’ve contemplated just spelling it differently. Rueger instead of Ruger. I just can’t get happy with it =) We’re also toying with [name]Roman[/name] but it’s becoming so popular nowadays and I’m all for unique names.
There are a good number of strong, virile names that will pair well with [name]Conrad[/name].
I know you asked for no anti-gun comments, and I hope you don’t interpret the following as such. To let you know where I’m coming from-- my own father is, among other things, a gunsmith.
Ruger is a bad choice because the company is identified with assault weapons. Sure, they manufacture revolvers and rifles, but they also manufacture a large array of automatic and semi-automatic weapons and they get headline space because of the latter. That’s not just a manly, virile image (like ‘[name]Hunter[/name]’ or even ‘[name]Remington[/name]’) for your son-- that’s an overtly violent, often criminal image.
[name]Rue[/name]-grrr doesn’t hit “manly” with me due to Ru [name]Paul[/name]. Ru or [name]Rue[/name] seems like the obvious nickname. I do think it’s cute in theory, but being that the only man I’ve ever heard of called Ru is a cross dresser, well, my mind accidentally goes there when I think of the name. Maybe [name]Brahm[/name], [name]Franklin[/name], [name]Morris[/name], or [name]Linus[/name]? All well known names, like [name]Conrad[/name], but not frequently used!
i do know what Ruger manufactures and again I’m not worried about it. I did like some of your “macho alternatives” ([name]Colt[/name] and [name]Drake[/name]) but still aren’t what i’m looking for. thanx though
I’ve tossed around the idea of franklin for a MN because it’s my dad’s MN but we used DH first name for our first son and want to use DH’s MN for our second son. [name]Franklin[/name] is on the back burner. Plus it’s not really a name I would call my kid…just not my style. Thanx!
Another name I thought of for you, since you like the sound of [name]Colt[/name], is [name]Holt[/name]. [name]Holt[/name] means “son of the untamed forests;” it’s tough and manly sounding, and it’s unusual. It also has meanings of a holster/scabbard for a gun/sword, and a fortress. I think [name]Holt[/name] and [name]Conrad[/name] sound like a cool pair of brothers.
Also, if you don’t care for [name]Franklin[/name], have you thought about using [name]Frank[/name] itself? That’s a no-nonsense, manly name, and again it sounds good with [name]Conrad[/name].
Not wild about [name]Frank[/name] reminds me of hotdogs lol. It’s funny how the mind works. Rouxger is ok but I would prefer Rueger if I was gonna spell it differently.
[name]Blade[/name], I do like [name]Holt[/name]! We actually know of a couple who named their little boy [name]Holt[/name]. I’m just not sure if it’s strong enough of a name for us…we’ll definitely have to consider it though. I had forgotten about it. (It’s not a couple that we really know personally just know of) Thanks!
[name]Blair[/name] [name]Conrad[/name] would be such a wonderful combo and [name]Blair[/name] [name]Hunter[/name] [name]Conrad[/name] would be fantastic.
I knew immediately how to pronounce it spelled this way, but I grew up with guns so I guess it was intuitive. The gun association wouldn’t bother me either (guns don’t kill people, people kill people).
I know a little boy named [name]Rutger[/name], like the college, which is similar so to me it’s not too weird. It sounds like an occupational name/surname, which is right on trend, and I think it’s fine with [name]Conrad[/name].
I know a great dog named Ruger! And [name]Roux[/name] is a cool nickname.
Aside from the gun association, which I’m not into, another possible problem with Ruger is that it might be a little too close to Booger. Kids are mean. I like the suggestion of [name]Holt[/name] or [name]Rutger[/name] for a brother to [name]Conrad[/name] (which is an awesome name btw).
Outing myself as the sort of person who makes this sort of list: in terms of gun names I prefer [name]Kimber[/name], Garand, and [name]Remington[/name] to Ruger.
I do like some of Ruger’s revolvers an awful lot, I’m just saying about sound.
If I had been a boy, my dad was going to name me [name]John[/name] [name]Moses[/name] after [name]John[/name] [name]Moses[/name] Browning.
I totally agree with you and I feel like in the area in which we live most people would pronounce it correctly because they would just know. [name]Rutger[/name]…hadn’t thought of that one. Thx
Striped Socks, my DH loves the name [name]Moses[/name] and I didn’t know that was [name]John[/name] Browning’s name. Cool to know. Thx