Thoughts on Sharon?

Hello everyone:)
What do you think about the name [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] for a little girl? I’ve read some comments on [name_f]Sharon[/name_f]. I was surprised that the name is concerned to be old fashioned and not suitable for a new born baby girl.
What do you think? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you adore or hate [name_f]Sharon[/name_f]?
If you have any good alternatives to [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] what could they be?

[name_f]Sharon[/name_f] is not my cup of tea, but I still think it’s a sweet name that’s very usable. Another similar name I like is [name_f]Susan[/name_f].

I have an aunt named [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] and she is lovely, the type of person to give you the shirt off her back. I feel like [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] isn’t ready for a come back yet- as most [name_f]Sharon[/name_f]'s I know are 50-60 , but I would love to hear it on on someone else .

I feel like similar names are

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps

Well, it is definitely a “grandma name” at this point, very popular in the '50s. But that’s not to say it couldn’t be usable for a baby born today. I think [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] has a sweet sound a gentle vibe.

[name_f]Susan[/name_f] is a good suggestion. You might also like [name_f]Rose[/name_f], [name_f]Sarah[/name_f], [name_f]Helen[/name_f], [name_f]Nancy[/name_f], or [name_f]Naomi[/name_f].

It does come off as very dated to me - all of the Sharons I’ve known are in their 50-60s. I agree that it doesn’t make it unusable, but I imagine it will take another 20-30 years to come back “in style”

[name_u]Shannon[/name_u] is a lovely suggested alternative, although that strikes me as having more of a 70s/80s vibe

I’m afraid I’m not a fan, it sounds quite dated to me and the only Sharons I know are over 50. I am in the UK - not sure where you are?

I prefer [name_u]Shannon[/name_u], [name_u]Sheridan[/name_u], [name_f]Siobhan[/name_f], [name_u]Seren[/name_u], [name_u]Shea[/name_u] ([name_u]Shay[/name_u]), [name_f]Maren[/name_f], Delen, [name_f]Selene[/name_f]/[name_f]Selena[/name_f], [name_f]Serena[/name_f]…

[name_f]Sharon[/name_f] sounds so old, strongly dislike.
But I like the suggestions of [name_u]Shannon[/name_u], [name_u]Shea[/name_u], [name_u]Seren[/name_u] and [name_f]Siobhan[/name_f].
I also like [name_f]Shari[/name_f] and [name_f]Shara[/name_f].

[name_f]Sharon[/name_f] isn’t my style, but I could totally picture a little girl with the name! I like the suggestions of [name_u]Seren[/name_u] and [name_u]Sheridan[/name_u].

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there.

I think that [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] is a nice name. It’s not my personal favorite, honestly one that I never think about, but there’s no reason not to use it. Sure, it’s dated, but it would be refreshing on a little tyke. It has a pleasant sound. I don’t particularly care for the name [name_f]Susan[/name_f], but I met a little five year old [name_f]Susan[/name_f] a few years back. The name is still not my style, but it was super sweet & unexpected on her. [name_m]Way[/name_m] more exciting then another [name_u]Riley[/name_u], [name_u]Avery[/name_u] or [name_u]Harper[/name_u].

[name_u]Marian[/name_u] kind of has a similar sound to [name_f]Sharon[/name_f], & I think that’s just adorable! [name_f]Marilyn[/name_f] too, but that’s just as dated if you’re worried about that .

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps. :slight_smile:

I find it really harsh, sorry

I’m not a fan, but it’s my partner’s awful ex’s name, so I’m a bit biased. I’ve just personally never met one who was overly nice.

To me [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] sounds very dated. I wouldn’t use it for a child personally. Among all the Isabellas, Amelias and Sophias, a name like [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] is going to stick out as sounding like a “grandma” name.

I would suggest [name_f]Maren[/name_f] instead.

I don’t like [name_f]Sharon[/name_f]. It’s is too dated to be used right now I think. Part of the problem is that it was a name that sprang up out of nowhere in the 50s and 60s, became very popular for a while and then disappeared. Other names that were popular at the time such as [name_f]Susan[/name_f], [name_f]Judith[/name_f], [name_f]Deborah[/name_f] are more traditional names and therefore can still work well for a baby now.

Well my name is [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] and I’m in my 20’s and I love it for the fact that no one has it in my age group. I easily stand out with this name compared to the thousands of Sophias, Samanthas and Susans. The only con I can say about my name, is how people pronounce the name. Some people pronounce the name like “Sharen” and that’s incorrect it’s (Shar-ON) or (Shar-UN) NOT [Shar-EN] if you want the [name_f]Sharin[/name_f] sound then I’d suggest you replace the “o” with an “e” or “i”. I prefer (Sha-run) pronunciation for girls and my nickname is [name_f]Sharry[/name_f]. [name_f]Remember[/name_f] it’s considered a unisex name so a child could also go by “Ronnie” as a nickname.

To all the negative comments saying this name is old fashioned, nearly every so called “dated” name comes back around. If you love it, use it. Who knows?! You could even bring the name back.

I like [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] very much and think the time for it to have a revival is coming. It sounds warm and earthy but has plenty of delicate feminine energy. It seems new and fresh given the many decades since it was popular and I personally know zero Sharon’s in real life (a plus in my eyes). And of course, it always reminds me of the astoundingly gorgeous actress [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] [name_u]Tate[/name_u] who is not a bad person to be associated with despite the sad way her life was taken from her so early, but [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] [name_u]Tate[/name_u] herself seemed to be an absolute geniune and soft soul.

Middle names I like with [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] are

[name_f]Sharon[/name_f] [name_f]Penelope[/name_f]
[name_f]Sharon[/name_f] [name_f]Ayelet[/name_f]
[name_f]Sharon[/name_f] [name_u]Azure[/name_u]
& [name_f]Sharon[/name_f] [name_f]Justine[/name_f]