Thoughts on Sybil

What are your thoughts on the name [name]Sybil[/name]?

I’ve been interested in this name for a long time; however I’ve never asked anyone how they feel about the name. I think that, [name]Sybil[/name] is a very vintage sounding name. Which makes sense because according to Nameberry, [name]Sybil[/name] was a very popular name in the 1920s and 30s.

Please let me know what you think :slight_smile:

If you want an honest opinion, I think the name [name]Sybil[/name] is a little plain so it all depends on the middle name you pair it with. It’s very unique and vintage though, so I would use it with a middle name that is longer- but only if your last name is short. If you have a short, 1 or 2 syllable last name, I would go with something like [name]Sybil[/name] [name]Jacinta[/name]. If your last name is 3 or 4 syllables, what about [name]Sybil[/name] [name]Ivy[/name]? I think that sounds lovely. Only other thing is that it might get misspelt a bit, as it not at all common.

I like [name]Sibyl[/name] a lot. I prefer it spelled [name]Sibyl[/name], instead of [name]Sybil[/name].

I love it! It sounds very vintage and feminine. I love the meaning “prophetess”

Lovelovelove [name]Sybil[/name]! I’ve loved it for quite some time now, but have only seen at as a viable option for a little while. I would love to meet a little [name]Sybil[/name], it’s so vintage and sweet. If you’re worried it’s a bit too vintage, I think [name]Sybella[/name] is a gorgeous form that would be a bit more appealing to the masses–it’s sort of a smoosh of [name]Isabella[/name] and [name]Sybil[/name].

Good luck!

Like countrylizb I prefer the spelling [name]Sibyl[/name], it has a sweet, vintage sound.

I like it. I don’t think it is plain. I think of it like [name]Esther[/name] or [name]Hazel[/name] - clearly vintage, a bit tailored, not too frilly.

I do slightly prefer [name]Sibyl[/name] in itself by itself, but [name]Sybil[/name]/[name]Sybilla[/name] allows for nickname [name]Billie[/name], which I wouldn’t use by itself but like as a nickname for a girl.

I’m not really a fan. I just don’t think it rolls off the tongue nicely.

I want to like it because of Downton [name]Abbey[/name], but honestly it really only makes me think of the disturbing psychological movie “[name]Sybil[/name]” (sp?) starring [name]Sally[/name] [name]Field[/name] about a woman who had multiple (like 16) personalities.

I really like [name]Sybil[/name]. I think it has vintage charm and like that it’s feminine but not frilly. I’d love to meet a little girl with the name.

I think Staceyxo has summed up why it might have been less popular over the last couple of decades, and why it might be due for a resurgence. I don’t think [name]Edith[/name] is going to enjoy quite the same boost in popularity.

I love [name]Sybil[/name]! I had a thread about it a few months back with some good opinions. I think that it needs a spunkier middle name since it’s a bit stuffy (something like [name]Bryony[/name] or [name]Rosamund[/name]) Downton [name]Abbey[/name] is a great association- and the multiple personality [name]Sybil[/name] was debunked as a fraud. So yes to [name]Sybil[/name]!

I’d never really given [name]Sybil[/name] much thought before Downton, but now I’m seeing it in a whole new light. This past episode when they called the baby Sybi I thought it was so cute!

I also think of the [name]Sybil[/name] with multiple personalities. Gives me the creeps.

Downton [name]Abbey[/name] has done a lot to revive this name, I predict both [name]Sybil[/name] and [name]Cora[/name] are going to skyrocket.

I like it a lot. I don’t think it will get overly popular but it is really nice and an unusual alternative to other -bel names.

I like it. I prefer the spelling ‘[name]Sibyl[/name]’ just a little more.

I love [name]Sybil[/name]! I wish that I could meet a little [name]Sybil[/name] and hopefully I will, given all the attention she’s gotten from Downton [name]Abbey[/name]!

I adore [name]Sybil[/name]! I was thinking about it earlier today, while I was pondering baby names during work :wink: and I think my only issue would be sibling names… I know it is just a sweet vintage name but no other sweet vintage names seem to sound right with it. I really love the way it sounds and the way it is sort of similar to [name]Sylvia[/name] but less frilly.

Yes, it always bring to mind this disturbing movie. It’s a little too Downton [name]Abbey[/name].