My friend told me about the name [name_m]Valerian[/name_m] and than I thought how nice it sounded with the middle name [name_f]Jane[/name_f], now I’ve kinda fallen in love with the name. its so futuristic and has a calming cool vibe to it at least that what I think XD what are your thoughts on the name?
I love [name_m]Valerian[/name_m] but to me it definitely reads male. However, I do quite like [name_m]Valerian[/name_m] [name_f]Jane[/name_f] as a combo! It’s definitely one to pair with a calmer, more traditional middle and [name_f]Jane[/name_f] certainly fits the bill.
I love the combination, but it does read as male to me. That doesn’t necessarily make it unusable for a girl, though.
It’s very game of thrones and it’s also very male, not keen on it for a girl. It also couldn’t be further from [name_f]Jane[/name_f], which is a very simple old fashioned name, so I’m not sure they really go together very well…
I prefer [name_f]Valeria[/name_f] [name_f]Jane[/name_f] as it sounds more feminine. [name_m]Valerian[/name_m] sounds like a space craft to me, but it’s not bad. [name_m]Just[/name_m] not my taste if you like the futuristic style, it would be nice for a boy!
It definitely reads male to me, especially knowing who the [name_m]Roman[/name_m] emperor was
I can see [name_m]Valerian[/name_m] on a girl. It has a similar sound as [name_u]Vivian[/name_u] which is a traditional girl name. I don’t think [name_f]Valeria[/name_f] has the same feel at all… [name_m]Valerian[/name_m] [name_f]Jane[/name_f] does sound like a futuristic sci fi hero but that is probably because of the movie.
I prefer [name_m]Valerian[/name_m] on a boy but [name_m]Valerian[/name_m] [name_f]Jane[/name_f] is quite cute
My parents almost named me [name_m]Valerian[/name_m]! I think it’s a very cool name for any gender, and I really love nn [name_u]Vale[/name_u]!
[name_m]Valerian[/name_m] [name_f]Jane[/name_f] is very sweet. I think classic [name_f]Jane[/name_f] makes the name feel more down to earth, which is great!
Valerian is very masculine; I think I prefer [name_f]Valeria[/name_f] [name_f]Jane[/name_f]. But either way, very nice!
I love [name_m]Valerian[/name_m], but I do think I prefer it for a boy, I wouldnt mind it for a girl though. [name_m]Valerian[/name_m] seems so futuristic and I agree with ‘spacecraft-like’, and [name_f]Jane[/name_f] brings it back down a little bit closer to [name_f]Earth[/name_f]. I like the combo together
I absolutely adore the meaning of that name!!! I’m actually surprised it’s a male name. Either way, I think it’s fine for a girl.