
No way. [name]Lily[/name] is lovely, and [name]Tiger[/name] [name]Lily[/name] could be a cute pet name, but sorry, I absolutely cannot imagine an actual human named “Tigerlily”.

I agree with [name]Iris[/name], no! I love [name]Lily[/name], and I understand you want to make it less “[name]Lily[/name]” almost, so it’s not as popular (I am in the same boat) but please no Tigerlily :wink:

[name]Love[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name] and [name]June[/name], but love them even more as [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]June[/name]! [name]Lucia[/name] seems a tad out of place, and I picture [name]Ivy[/name] or [name]Bryony[/name] as a sister to [name]Magnolia[/name]. Wonderful taste!

[name]Daisy[/name]: i love it! it was a name i was gunna use in the future, btu iv set my heart on other name snow. do not be put off! tiger or lily on their own are lovly! i like it
dylan: ist alrite. nm met sumone called that, except the idian out of peter pan! i like it. kinda kl.

daisy n dylan x